[Eecs_bscs] Instructor Interaction

Hunter, Tiffany huntert1 at ohio.edu
Tue Sep 15 17:30:35 EDT 2020

Dear Undergraduate students:

The University has conducted a survey among its students and the following results were recorded:

Only 5% of the students indicates that they do not have any interactions with their instructors, while 25% are not satisfied with the level of interactions. The good news is that most of the students are positive about the learning experience.

Based on these results, and the fact that we could try to improve things only if we know something about them,  I would like to encourage you to feel free to indicate problems in any EE or CS course as far as instructor interaction is concerned. Feel free to do it, because I will protect the anonymity of the relevant information from any potential instructor.

Thank you,

Dr. Vassiliadis ( Dr. V. )
Undergraduate Chair, School of EECS
vassilia at ohio.edu<mailto:vassilia at ohio.edu>

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