[DU-L] Recruitment and CEP Goals

McFadden, Michael mm285108 at ohio.edu
Wed Jan 18 11:26:17 EST 2012

Dear Brothers,

Have you talked to any of your potential recruits yet today?

I just wanted to remind everyone that it is WEEK THREE.  And if you haven't been trying your hardest to get recruits, then you really need to step up your game.  We need everyone working at 100% this week.  Be more involved.  Hang out with your brothers.  I know I'm guilty of a lot of these things, but this is the time to step up.

Post about the tournament on Facebook.  Tell all your friends, even if they're not willing to consider.


Also, I'm just going to throw this out there, but I'm proposing a CEP goal for our chapter. At minimum, I want to see us with 200 CEP points by the end of Winter Quarter.  We're currently at 64.  We can easily get way more than that if we actually sit down and complete all the requirements.

If we really want Most Improved Chapter like we keep saying we do, then we're going to have to act like one.

Alright, that's enough of my lecturing, but really.  This is the time to step up.  If you want to see changes in this fraternity, then please, try your hardest to recruit and get our name out there.  Step out of your comfort zone and meet someone new.  Talk to someone.  Invite people to events.  Invite guys to the house.  Do whatever you can to get us back on the map.

Happy Recruiting!

Fraternally yours,
Mike McFadden

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