[OU Dems] Minutes Week 15

Jenna Moore jennamoore114 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 00:08:45 EST 2013

Happy week 15 everyone! Here are your minutes from this weeks meeting:


Wednesday 12/4: We will be tabling for anti-fracking petitions at the Bottom of Baker from 2pm-5pm.

Thursday 12/5: The grilled cheese fundraiser for DC will be from 10PM-1am at College Gate. This counts for your DC trip but you have to stay for at least a 1/2 hour. 

Friday 12/6: We will be tabling for Freedom to Marry petitions at the Bottom of Baker from 2pm-5pm.

Saturday 12/14: CDO (College Democrats of Ohio) will be holding their winter conference at ODP (340 East Fulton Street in Columbus) More details to come!

Friday-Monday 1/17-20: We will be taking our annual trip to DC! Cost is $65 for those who have attended a fundraiser event and $85 for those who haven't. There is a deposit due of $20 to Brigid before the end of the semester. #DemsinDC


Wednesday 12/4: Flavor of the week is peppermint so stop by the Front Room at noon until 2!

Wednesday 12/4: Fuck Rape Cultures last meeting of the semester will be from 6-7 in the LGBT center in baker and they'll be doing donation letters to raise money for the organization.

Thursday 12/5: Ohio Student Union will be having their meeting at 8pm in Baker 237.

Friday 12/6: Ohio Student Union will be having a pizza party at UCM (18 N College Street) at 7pm.

Friday 12/6: OU students and entrepreneurs will be hosting an event, #OHIOConnect, from 6pm-9pm in the ARCH room 102. There will be free food and drinks  

If you have any sign ups for the Ready for Hillary event, please give them to Nick Tuell who you can contact at (513) 602-5258

During Thanksgiving, both Turkeys were pardon and there is a petition to have one of them executed which you can sign at https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/execute-caramel-thanksgiving-turkey-who-was-pardoned-president-barack-h-obama/Sqb423zW

 Environment Ohio is making phone calls to gov. Kasich urging him not to pass any parts of Senate bill 58. So if you could please call 614-466-3555 and say this prompt: "Hi governor Kasich. My name is ___ and I am a(n) ___ resident (zip code). I am calling to say I support clean energy for our state. This investment in green technology and clean energy will save us money and create jobs for the State. If Senate bill 58 gets to you desk, please veto it to protect our state."   

Jenna Moore
jm226611 at ohio.edu

OU College Democrats, Secretary


OU College Democrats Executive Board:

Caitlin Roberts (President) (614) 893-5395 caitlinroberts14 at gmail.com

Brigid Iverson (Vice President) (513) 307-7144 brigid.iverson at gmail.com

Jenna Moore (Secretary) (614) 256-0981 jennamoore114 at gmail.com

Jessica Newton (Membership Director) (614) 557-6293 jnjnew4 at gmail.com

Ian Slifcak (Treasurer) (330) 523-9104 islifcak at gmail.com

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