[OU Dems] OU College Democrats Minutes 9/4

Newton, Jessica jn130010 at ohio.edu
Thu Sep 6 11:11:17 EDT 2012

Happy Week 2 Everyone!

Here are the minutes from this week's meeting:


DNC Watch Party tonight in Walter #135 at 9pm! Make sure to wear OU apparel, press may be there, and there's free Avalanche pizza as well.

There's tabling today outside of the Courthouse from 10-5!

Saturday at 3:30pm Vice President Joe Biden will be visiting Athens! Stop by the OFA office (8 North Court, the third floor to the left, above Fluff) for more information and volunteer opportunies.

Saturday at 7pm we will be doing voter registration and the football games tailgate kickoff! It is next to Peden stadium, which is the football stadium

There's a Dorm Storm this Sunday at 2pm for Courtyard and The Summit apartments. Rides will be provided at the top of Baker!

A phone bank for ODP is happening this upcoming Monday from 6-8pm in Pat Lang's office which is on 8 North Court (the third floor, to the right, above Fluff)!

Chalking & Flyering is this Monday, September 10th at 8pm! We're meeting in the Front Room, which is the coffee shop in Baker.


Our next OUCD/Bobcats for Obama meeting will be next Tuesday in Baker room 231 at 8pm!

Sweatshirts are still $15 so make sure to order one at our next meeting!

Congrats to our Dem of the Week Olga Sormaz and Barackstar of the Week Evan Rhodes!!


Dorm Captains for Voter Registration needed!! Contact Andrea Harless (ah267608 at ohio.edu<mailto:ah267608 at ohio.edu>) if you're interested in being the captain for the following dorms:

    Boyd, Wilson, Ryors, Perkins, Bush, Brown, Cady, Crawford, Fenzel, Mackinnon, Armbruster, Atkinson, Brough, Dougan, Hoover, Martzoloff, Smith, Weld, & Wray

Street & Apartment Captains are needed for Voter Registration as well! Contact Emily Harper (eh334606 at ohio.edu<mailto:eh334606 at ohio.edu>) if you're interested in being a street or apartment captain.

Volunteers are needed to get people registered to vote in dining hall lines and in classrooms! Please contact Sasha if you're interested in volunteering

Open Doors meetings is at 8pm at UCM in support of the LGBT community

Casa is having an Open Doors dance party from 10-2 this weekend! $5 18+ and $3 21+

Tempo Tantrums is having audtions for the following year and there's a meeting on Thursday! Contact Gabi Giebel for more information

Have a Great Week 2!!

Jessica Newton

jn130010 at ohio.edu<mailto:jn130010 at ohio.edu>

OU College Democrats, Secretary

<mailto:jn130010 at ohio.edu>

OU College Democrats Executive Board

Shannon Welch (President) (440) 463-0662 shannoncwelch at gmail.com<mailto:shannoncwelch at gmail.com>

Caitlin Robers (Vice President)  (614) 893-5395 caitlinroberts14 at gmail.com<mailto:caitlinroberts14 at gmail.com>

Nicole Robertson (Treasurer) (513) 582-3041 nicole.gayle09 at gmail.com<mailto:nicole.gayle09 at gmail.com>

Brigid Iverson (Communications Director) bi123510 at ohio.edu<mailto:bi123510 at ohio.edu>

Jessica Newton (Secretary) (614) 557-6293 jnjnew4 at gmail.com<mailto:jnjnew4 at gmail.com>

Jack Obora (Membership Director) jack.obora at gmail.com<mailto:jack.obora at gmail.com>

Bobcats For Obama Executive Board

Carolyn Preston (President) cp231009 at ohio.edu<mailto:cp231009 at ohio.edu>

Heather McKay (Secretary) heatherlynnmckay at gmail.com<mailto:heatherlynnmckay at gmail.com>
David Creighton (Treasurer) dc239409 at ohio.edu<mailto:dc239409 at ohio.edu>

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