[OU Dems] Dems Minutes 1/31

Shannon Welch shannoncwelch at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 16:48:21 EST 2012

Dems Minutes 1/31

Hey Dems! Hope your week 5 is fantastic! Here are the minutes from this
week’s meeting:


The Constitution Committee has finished with its edits! The new
Constitution will be presented week 7, proposed week 8, and voted on week
9. If you are interested in learning about the updates that have been made,
contact Shannon. Thank you everyone who participated for your hard work!

If you are interested in participating in Date Auction, contact Marika.
Please make sure to turn in your questionnaire, song choice, and picture by
next week! Also, if you have signed up to talk to any businesses please
make sure you do so ASAP!

Congratulations to our Dem of the Week, Heather McKay!!!

Future Events:

Volunteering at UCM’s Lunch

Volleyball Game

Date Auction Committee

Students for Obama Campus Launch Party

Obama for America Office Opening Party

Student Speakout for Student Trustee Voting Rights

Chalking & Flyering

Students for Obama Ohio Summit

To see the details of each event, please visit the calendar on our website

Exec Board Election News:

Nick Tuell will be working as OFA’s Campus Coordinator at OU starting
Spring Quarter! Congratulations Nick! Unfortunately, Nick will have to
resign as president beginning Spring Quarter.

Shannon Welch also resigned as secretary starting Spring Quarter.

Nominations for secretary and president for JUST Spring Quarter will be
held at the next meeting. Elections will be held the following week. The
timeline for our elections for the rest of the quarter are as follows:

Nominations for Secretary and President for Spring Quarter- Tuesday,
February 7

Elections- Tuesday, February 13

Nominations for all Exec Board positions for the 2012-2013 academic year-
Tuesday, February 21

Elections- Tuesday, February 28

If you have any questions regarding nominations, elections, or Exec Board
positions, please contact any member of Exec.

Round Table

Chair of the Athens County Democratic Party, Kathy Hecht came to our
meeting this week! There will be a straw poll breakfast on Saturday,
February 25 from 9- 11AM at the American Legion. Volunteers would be

There will be a fundraiser for the Ohio Democratic Party tomorrow
(Thursday) at Jackie O’s from 5:30-7:30PM. It will be $5 for students!

Mike O’Brien is running for Athens County Commissioner. He came to our
meeting to ask for your vote in the primary race!

This week is Golden Week! You can register to vote at the Board of
Elections next to the Courthouse on Court St and early vote at the same
time! The last day to register to vote is Tuesday, so if you have moved
since you last registered please remember to re-register!

Paul “Smoke” Barrett is also running for Athens County Commissioner. He
came to our meeting to ask for you vote in the primary race!

If you live on South Green, please vote for Jacob Chaffin for Athens
Democratic Central Committee!

If you can donate furniture or have any ideas to decorate the Obama for
America office, please contact Nick Tuell!

The Appalachian Student Union will be meeting on Monday in Morton 313.

Thanks for coming to the meeting and have a great week!
Shannon Welch
(440) 463-0662
Secretary, OU College Democrats

Nick Tuell (President) (513) 602-5258 tuellnick at gmail.com
Marika Bresler (Vice President) (614) 562-5937 marika.bresler at gmail.com
Emily Harper (Treasurer) (330) 727-4510 emilyharper2013 at gmail.com
Shannon Welch (Secretary) (440) 463-0662 shannoncwelch at gmail.com
Paul Leduc (Communications Director) (419) 631-4962 paul.leduc13 at gmail.com
Debi Segal (Membership Director) (301) 980-5702 debracsegal at gmail.com
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