[OU Dems] Dems Minutes 4/19

Shannon Welch shannoncwelch at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 12:24:59 EDT 2011

Dems Minutes 4/19

Hey dems! I hope you are enjoying your week four! Here are the minutes from
last night’s meeting:


Please sign up for our Relay for Life team at
http://main.acsevents.org/goto/trottingdonkeys! When it asks for the $10
fee, just choose the option that says your captain will pay it for you. The
event is May 13-14 so please come to our fundraisers so we can reach our
$3000 goal!

Sign up for our intramural softball team at www.imleagues.com!

Please contact Jeana Davis and let her know if you are planning on going on
our D.C. trip! We are trying to finalize the list so that we can get a price

We are selling our tshirts for $15! If you are interested in submitting a
design for next year’s tshirt, send your design to any member of exec board!

Congratulations to our Dem of the Week, Heather McKay!

Future Events:

Tabling for the SB5 referendum

Grilled cheese sale/Dollar Domino’s

Softball game

 Mom’s Weekend glass sale painting party

Paint the wall

Visit our website, www.oudemocrats.org to see the details of each event!

Round Table

It’s Take Back the Night Week! Check out the facebook event for details
about what’s happening this week, and attend the march and rally on
Thursday, April 21 at 7:30 PM in Scripp’s Ampitheatre! We need men for
sideline support so make sure to come! Contact Shannon Welch with any

There are two weeks left until the primary and Nate Hall is running for city
council! Contact him if you are interested in helping him campaign, and make
sure to vote early!

Congratulations to Jeana Davis for winning the election for Vice President
of College Democrats of Ohio!

Theessaymag.com is an online magazine that is looking for writers,
photographers, videographers, etc. to contribute them. Michaela Meaney is
currently working on a story about students who came out in college. Contact
Michaela if you can assist her in this story by being interviewed or helping
her find people to be interviewed at mm174207 at ohio.edu or 216-905-7576

Thanks for coming to last night’s meeting and I hope you have a great week!

Shannon Welch
Secretary, OU College Democrats
Vice Commissioner of Women's Affairs, OU Student Senate

Nate Hall (President) 513-304-3042 natehall5 at gmail.com
Jeana Davis (Vice President) 419-508-1179 jeanaldavis at gmail.com
Hailey Paumier (Communications Director) 330-933-7008
haileypaumier at gmail.com
Alex "That Guy" Maza (Treasurer) 937-609-5983 alexlmaza at gmail.com
Marika Bresler (Membership Director) 614-562-5937 marika.bresler at gmail.com
Shannon Welch (Secretary) 440-463-0662 shannoncwelch at gmail.com
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