[OU Dems] Dems Minutes 9/28

Shannon Welch shannoncwelch at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 01:01:56 EDT 2010

Dems Minutes 9/28

Hey Dems!! Hope your week four is going swimmingly! Here are the minutes
from this week’s meeting:

Don’t forget that this Monday, October 4 is the voter registration
deadline!That means we need a lot of help this week!

Lieutenant Governor Candidate Yvette McGee Brown is coming to speak this
Thursday at 12 PM at the Scripps’ Amphitheatre, closely followed by a march
to the polls at 1 PM! Come out and see this lovely lady speak and get out
the vote! If you have any questions, contact Nate Hall.

We will be tabling this Thursday at the bottom of Baker from 10-5 as well as
Monday from 10-5 at both the top of Baker and Howard Hall. Please come out
and help us get people registered!

If you are interested in becoming a dorm captain to register everyone in
your dorm, please contact Jeana Davis ASAP! Also—dorm captains, don’t forget
to pick up your packets at the table on Thursday!

We will be canvassing a lot this week! Our canvas schedule is as follows:
Wednesday from 6-8:30 PM;

Thursday from 6-8 PM;

Friday from 1-3 and 3-5 PM;

Saturday from 12-5 PM;

Sunday from 12-5 PM;

and Monday from 5-8 PM.

Please come out whenever you have time, even if you can’t make it to a full

There are two parades this weekend on Saturday and Sunday that we will be
sending some people out to! Please contact Nate Hall if you are interested
in going!

We want to ask you to take some time this week to remember why you are a
Democrat and why it is important to you. We would like to ask you to give
whatever time you have this week to getting out the vote and voter
registration, whether it be five hours or twenty. Remember that every vote
counts and that we need you to give us everything you can this week.

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is October 10 at 12 PM! Please contact Shannon
Welch if you are interested in walking or helping out!

We will be having a homecoming committee meeting at 8 PM on Thursday at the
campaign office, 77½ E State St. to begin float construction!

Buy a College Democrats t-shirt for $15 and help support our org while
looking snazzy around campus!

Come phone bank at the campaign office, 77½ E State St!

Please take down the exec board’s contact info so that you can call us if
you have any extra time or have any questions or concerns. We are extremely
happy to talk to you!

Congratulations to our Dem of the Week, Haley Nuckles!

Round Table

Raf wanted to emphasize how vital getting out the student vote is this year,
and what impact this election will have on the next ten years. Thank you

The Collegiate Recovery Community will be having a meeting on Thursday at 6
PM in the 1804 room on the 5th floor of Baker. Contact Mary Kate Gallagher
at mg129109 at ohio.edu with any questions.

Pyramids is having an Alice in Wonderland day this Saturday from 3 PM to 3
AM! Dress as a character from Alice in Wonderland to get a discount on
hookah, eat some delicious cookies, and drink some tea!

Thank you everyone for coming out and have an amazing (and voter
registration filled) week!

Shannon Welch

Secretary, OU College Democrats

Vice Chair of Community Service and Social Activities, OU Student Senate


Nate Hall (President) 513-304-3042 *natehall5 at gmail.com*

Jeana Davis (Vice President) 419-508-1179
jeanaldavis at gmail.com<https://outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=6c68c34d24964a5496ac7d5d0126a5e2&URL=mailto%3ajeanaldavis%40gmail.com>

Hailey Paumier (Communications Director) 330-933-7008
haileypaumier at gmail.com<https://outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=6c68c34d24964a5496ac7d5d0126a5e2&URL=mailto%3ahaileypaumier%40gmail.com>

Alex “Iron Man” Maza (Treasurer) 937-609-5983
alexlmaza at gmail.com<https://outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=6c68c34d24964a5496ac7d5d0126a5e2&URL=mailto%3aalexlmaza%40gmail.com>

Marika Bresler (Membership Director) 614-562-5937
marika.bresler at gmail.com<https://outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=6c68c34d24964a5496ac7d5d0126a5e2&URL=mailto%3amarika.bresler%40gmail.com>

Shannon Welch (Secretary) 440-463-0662
shannoncwelch at gmail.com<https://outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=6c68c34d24964a5496ac7d5d0126a5e2&URL=mailto%3ashannoncwelch%40gmail.com>
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