[OU Dems] Dems Minutes 5/4

Davis, Jeana jd312809 at ohio.edu
Wed May 5 12:11:54 EDT 2010

Dems Minutes 5/4

Hey everyone! I hope you’re having a good week so far! Here is a recap of what’s going on in dems at the moment:

Thanks to everyone that helped with the Red Brick Serving! We raised 83.00 and you guys did a fantastic job!! Also, thanks to everyone that helped at the Mom’s Day Sale! We raised 246.00!! So thank you and great work!

There was a short presentation on the Arizona Immigration Law. This legislation requires that all alien residents in the state of Arizona carry their registration documents at all times.

A $40.00 deposit for the D.C. Trip is due by Tuesday, May 11th. Checks can be made out to Kellie Galan.

Trash for Cash for the D.C. Trip is this Monday at 8pm at Palmer Place. This will help to make the trip more affordable so please come out if you’re free!

We are asking that you make a weekly 2 hour commitment to phone banking on a day of the week that is convenient for you. The office is open from 12-8pm Monday through Friday and it is located at 771/2 East State Street. If you haven’t already signed up and would like to, please let us know. Also, if you would like to add a shift or change to a different shift let us know.

Knocking on doors at local residences for Debbie Phillips starts this week. This will be every week on Friday and Saturday afternoons. This would help you to gain experience for the election in the Fall! Contact Liz if you are interested in helping with this.

There will be a grilled cheese sale for Relay for Life this Thursday from 10pm-2am at College Gate. Also, Relay for Life is May 21st! If you are interested in signing up for our team, just go to this website: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?pg=entry&fr_id=23472 and click on join a team. Our team name is the Trotting Donkeys! We are now collecting money for Relay t-shirts if you ordered one. They are $15.00!

Summer Dinner is May 16th from 5-7pm. This is our largest fundraiser of the year for our organization so please sign up to help! Set up is from 1-4pm and the dinner itself is from 5-7pm. Dress is business casual.

College Democrats of America Conference is July 29th to August 1st at UNC in Charlotte, North Carolina. This is a great opportunity to meet College Dems from all over the country. Contact Nate Hall at natehall5 at gmail.com if you are interested or have questions.

Congrats to Dem of the Week Emma Jensen!!!!!

Round Table:
Congrats to Meredith Tucker for her new job at the State House! Good Luck!!!!

Happy Birthday to Nate Hall!!

Congrats to everyone that won a spot on the Central Committee and good luck with your new positions!

Students Defending Students is having a meeting to provide info on staying safe during the fests. The meeting is at 8pm at Shively.

The two candidates for Student Senate President will be having a debate in the Multipurpose room in Baker on Thursday at 6pm.

Vote for Kaitlyn Crist on facebook to help her become an intern for the CW Network! Good luck Kaitlyn!

Bone Marrow Swabbing will be held in Baker on May 25th! Contact Marika Bresler at mb571909 at ohio.edu if you have questions or you would like to volunteer!

Diversity Conference is this Saturday throughout Baker and it will be going on all day.

School of Theater will be performing “Loves Labour’s Lost” this week, Thursday through Saturday and next weekend.

I hope you all have a great week! See you next Tuesday!
Jeana Davis
Secretary, Ohio University College Democrats

Liz Clark (President) 440-725-1522 lizclark10 at gmail.com
Kellie Galan (Vice President) 440-725-1522 kg759806 at ohio.edu
Hailey Paumier (Communications Director) hp238306 at ohio.edu
Meredith Tucker (Membership Director) 330-933-7000 meredith.c.tucker at gmail.com
Alex Maza (Treasurer) 937-609-5983 am155107 at ohio.edu
Jeana Davis (Secretary) 419-508-1179 jd312809 at ohio.edu

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