[OU Dems] Dems Minutes 4/13/10

Liz Clark lizclark10 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 10:43:56 EDT 2010

Dems Meeting Minutes- April 13, 2010

I hope all of you are enjoying week 3 and all this beautiful weather!

Phone banking for Debbie Phillips- Her office is now open and the location
is 771/2 East State Street. It is open Monday through Friday 12-8pm so
please stop by in between classes or on Saturday between 12-2pm. Phone lines
are not set up yet so please bring your cell phones!

Thanks to all that helped with Trash for Cash! We are well on our way to
reaching our goal for Relay for Life of raising $2,600! We need to raise
about $350 more so please email friends and family to see if they would like
to donate. Also, just a reminder that if you signed up for a Relay t-shirt,
you are expected to pay for it unless you inform an exec member before they
are ordered. They are $15. Also, please sign up for our relay team!! Just go
to this website:
click on join a team. Our team name is the Trotting Donkeys.

College Democrats of Ohio Conference is this Saturday, April 17, at OSU from
11am-3pm. Rides will leave from the fourth floor of Baker at 9am. The event
is free but please bring a few dollars for gas money. Also, there is an
optional social beforehand Friday, April 16 and rides will leave from the
fourth floor of Baker at 7pm. *Dress is business casual*!

There will be a Grilled Cheese sale from 10pm to 2am tomorrow night, April
15, at College Gate! All proceeds will go towards Relay for Life. Please
come out and buy a grilled cheese or volunteer! Also, if you have a table or
know someone that has a table that we can use, please let a member of exec

Chalking/flyering will be next Monday April 19th at 8pm. Meet at Front Room
if interested in helping.

Athens County Party Dinner is next Thursday, April 22 at 5:30pm at the
American Legion on Union Street. Rides will be provided. This is a
fundraiser for the Athens County Democratic Party and we would be helping
out wherever we were needed. *Dress is business attire!*


Washington D.C. Trip will be on Memorial Day Weekend! More information is to
come but we are very much in need of drivers! Please contact a member of the
exec board if you would be able to drive.

Congrats to Dem of the Week Shannon Welch! Great job!


Essay Magazine meetings are every Wed. at 6pm in the Rollins Room at Alden.
If you questions, contact Michaela at
*mm174207 at ohio.edu*<mm174207 at ohio.edu> and
to see the magazine, go to *www.theessaymag.com*<http://www.theessaymag.com/>.
Also, the magazine is looking for someone that suffered from a disease and
would like to be interviewed

Dems t-shirts are for sale for $15!! You can buy one after a meeting or let
an exec member know if you would like one

Swabbing for the bone marrow drive is going on now through May 25th, stop by
Hillel to get swabbed! Contact Marika Bresler with any questions *
mb571909 at ohio.edu* <mb571909 at ohio.edu>.

Jeana Davis, Secretary

OU College Democrats
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