[Dcoualumni] Event Next Week: Sexual Harassment Awareness Discussion, February 22nd

Amanda Janice amanda.e.janice at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 12:27:38 EST 2018

Happy Monday Bobcats!

Join us on *Thursday, February 22 at 7:00PM at the Hyatt Regency* to hear
Ohio University Dean of Students, Jenny Hall-Jones, speak about issues
regarding sexual harassment in today's society. This should be an
enlightening discussion for everyone on a timely and important problem.

Food and drinks will be available at this event and we are asking for a $10
admission charge to help us cover the costs of the space and refreshments.
You can register for this event at the following link.


See our website
 for more information. We hope to see you there!

For more information on the Nation's Capital Chapter, please email or
engage on social media:
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