[Dcoualumni] OU Alumni Volleyball Team Registration

Amanda Janice amanda.e.janice at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 08:39:16 EST 2017

Good morning DC Bobcats!

The Nation's Capital Chapter has had a co-ed volleyball team that plays in
the Capital Alumni Network league and the season is coming up soon.

We are looking to see how much interest we have for a team this year. We
could use some new players in addition to the holdovers from previous
seasons. The team plays in a recreational league against other DC-based
alumni squads. Games are played in Alexandria on Sundays, with some
possible Saturdays.

If you would like to play on the team this year, please respond to this
email, where our Chapter President, John Moore, is copied (
johntmoore at hotmail.com).

Thanks and Go Bobcats!!!


For more information on the Nation's Capital Chapter, please email or
engage on social media:
Visit the Webpage <http://www.ohiou.org/>
Join the Facebook Group
Like the Facebook Page <http://www.facebook.com/NationsCapitalChapter>
Follow on Twitter <https://twitter.com/BobcatsDC>
Join the LinkedIn Group <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1978845>
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