[Dcoualumni] Reminder: Upcoming December events!

Amanda Janice amanda.e.janice at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 09:26:18 EST 2016

Greetings Bobcats!

This is a reminders that we have the Toys for Tots Happy Hour coming up on
Thursday and a Board meeting on Monday, for those who are interested in
joining the board. More information below!

   - *Ohio Schools Toys for Tots Happy Hour, Thursday, December 1, 6:00PM @
   Public Bar.* Join Washington, D.C.-area alumni chapters of Ohio and The
   Ohio Society for a Toys for Tots collection on the lounge level of Public
   Bar <http://www.publicbar.co/> (1214 18th St NW, Washington, DC 20036)
   from 6:00PM-8:00PM. Mingle with fellow Ohio-based alumni, and enjoy the
   following happy hour specials:

   - $3 domestic beer
      - $4 import beers
      - $5 rail drinks

   We also ask that attendees bring a new, unwrapped toy for the Toys for
   Tots Foundation <http://www.toysfortots.org/default.aspx> (please
no toys guns/weapons).
   There will be a Marine on hand to collect the toy donations, but if you
   are unable to attend and would like to donate, please click here:

   Questions? Contact Karen Hartman at karen.m.hartman at gmail.com.

   Let’s show our love, honor and generosity this holiday season! Hope to
   see you there!


   *Nation's Capital Chapter Winter Board Meeting, Monday, December 5,
   6:30PM @* *Rural Society *(1177 15th Street NW.). Do you want to be a
   member of the Nation's Capital Chapter Board? Join us for our Board meeting
   on December 5th. To RSVP for the Board meeting, please email Amanda
   Janice Roberson, Chapter Secretary (amanda.e.janice at gmail.com). Attached
   is the agenda for the meeting.

Please feel free to reach out with questions.

For more information on the Nation's Capital Chapter, please email or
engage on social media:
Join the Facebook Group
Like the Facebook Page <http://www.facebook.com/NationsCapitalChapter>
Follow on Twitter <https://twitter.com/BobcatsDC>
Join the LinkedIn Group <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1978845>
Visit the Webpage <http://www.ohiou.org/>
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