[Cssa-L] moving sale updates 烧水壶,搅拌机,四个大小不同的木书架,激光打印机,办公椅

Detienne Wang detiennewang at yahoo.com
Thu May 17 20:50:10 EDT 2012

Hi, sorry about the repetition. I just realized that I haven't finished the last email and accidentally clicked the send button. I am leaving Athens soon, and I am selling the following items and will have more up.  If you find anything appealing, please contact me via email.  I could send you pictures of items upon request.   

1. 激光打印机
brother HL 2140 laser printer
brought new at buy.com 
now $ 30


2. kettle 烧水壶

now $4

3. Sunbeam blender, white 搅拌机 (it does the work, the basic kind)
bought in Walmart at around $15 
now $4
cannot find it on Walmart website, but it's a similar kind:

4. 木书架,四层   $15

5. 木书架,三层 $10

6. 木书架/CD架, 三层 $5

7. 木书架,三层 $ 5

8. Conair instant heat compact styling setter
陶瓷负离子卷发套装 (好用省时)
bought new at Amazon at &28
now &10


9. 办公椅 office chair
bought new in store at Staples at $ 99.99
in good condition. 
now $ 15
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