[Cssa-L] Pick-up (Columbus) & Place to stay (Athens) Needed on 13.AUG!!

Yacong Yuan violayuan11 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 02:14:57 EDT 2009

Hi Everyone,
I am a newie coming to OU grad school.
This is my very first time to OU and USA, and your help to me will be highly

*[Pick Up Needed @ Columbus]*
My flight will arrive in Columbus Airport around 21:45 on *13th.AUG.*
I am willing to pay for your help and the gas fee.

*[Place to sleep over @ Athens]*
Since my flight will arrive in the evening,
I will also need a place to stay on 13th. AUG (only that night).
On 14th AUG morning I will try to sign and move-in to my dorm.
It would be of great help if any *FEMALE *students would like to share your
place at OU with me, just on 13 AUG.

If anyone is interested in, pls reply to this Email.
Thank you so much for your help!!

Best Regards,
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