[Csi-L] Supervisee Training Workshop - Directions to Morton Hall

Williams, Natalie nw351909 at ohio.edu
Mon Feb 20 08:45:32 EST 2012

Good morning all, 

If you did not have a chance to register for the Supervisee Workshop this evening, there is still time. We look forward to your presence at this event. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. 

In case you have not ventured further than McCracken Hall, please use this link to find directions to Morton Hall. http://www.ohio.edu/athens/bldgs/mort.html

I usually walk towards the dorms on the tree-lined street at the bottom of Jeff Hill (East Green Drive), until you see the ATM machine in from of Shively Hall. Then, turn right walk up the brick walkway about 10-15 feet or so and Morton Hall is the building on your left, halfway up the hill.

I hope that makes sense :)



Natalie F. Williams, M.S.
Doctoral Student
President - Chi Sigma Iota, Alpha Chapter
Ohio University

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