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Dear colleagues,<br>
I have now read carefully Phil's suggestions, which I approve. I
have made a few very minor suggestions in the annotated attached
file (with changes tracked).<br>
Best wishes,<br>
On 16/01/12 02:23, Cantino, Philip wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:310BDB54-BA5D-4ABB-8218-743CE59220BA@ohio.edu"
<pre wrap="">I am following up on the message I sent the CPN on Friday. In the attached document, I start with a modified version of the broad definition of species I proposed in my last message that we adopt in the code. I then go through each of the changes proposed by Nico, Brent and David Baum, proposing alternatives in those cases where I disagree with them. At this point, what I am looking for is the committee's reaction to the general approach I've taken. I am assuming that even if the committee likes the approach, some of the wording will need fine-tuning.
I look forward to your comments.
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