[CPN] Revised rules on electronic publication

Max Langer mclanger at ffclrp.usp.br
Tue Apr 10 06:14:44 EDT 2018

  I also agree .



2018-04-10 6:22 GMT-03:00 Mieczysław Wolsan <wolsan at miiz.waw.pl>:

> I vote yes.
> Best wishes,
> Miecz
> *From:* CPN [mailto:cpn-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu] *On Behalf Of *Cantino,
> Philip
> *Sent:* Monday, April 9, 2018 9:09 PM
> *To:* Committee on Phylogenetic Nomenclature <cpn at listserv.ohio.edu>
> *Cc:* Max Langer <mclanger at ffclrp.usp.br>
> *Subject:* Re: [CPN] Revised rules on electronic publication
> In the absence of any further discussion, I think it is time for the CPN
> to vote on the proposed rules changes, as shown in the draft I sent on
> April 2.   Please reply to the listserv.
> Best regards,
> Phil
> On Apr 2, 2018, at 1:06 PM, Cantino, Philip <cantino at ohio.edu> wrote:
> Dear CPN members,
> It is time to return to the proposed revision of the PhyloCode articles on
> publication, which the CPN considered in February and early March.  The
> subcommittee that developed the proposal (Nico, Dick, Kevin and myself)
> held a Skype conference on Friday to discuss your comments.  We appreciate
> the time and thought that all of you devoted to this, and we carefully
> considered your suggestions, some of which are reflected in the attached
> revision.  The new Note 4.2.1 addresses issues about electronic publication
> that were raised by many of you.
> In the attached draft, the only changes tracked are the new ones resulting
> from your comments on the version I sent the CPN on Feb. 6.
> A few comments on the suggestions we did not adopt:
> Peer review:  Even though it was a departure from the rank-based codes,
> the CPN decided years ago that peer review should be a requirement of the
> PhyloCode.  The issue is one of quality control.  Although it is not always
> possible to determine easily if a publication was peer-reviewed, having the
> requirement reduces the likelihood of “taxonomic vandalism” (exploiting the
> lack of a peer-review requirement to publish names indiscriminately, to
> “scoop” rivals, or to sabotage the phylogenetic nomenclature system).  We
> don’t envision checking every name to be sure it was peer-reviewed;
> however, the requirement gives the CPN a basis to suppress works that are
> shown to be flagrant violations.
> Regarding Rec. 4.4B, it was suggested that we mention CLOCKSS.  CLOCKSS is
> a dark archive designed to be a failsafe in case of a disaster and, as
> such, is largely inaccessible to individuals.  By contrast, our goal is to
> encourage publication in outlets that are not only archived but also
> provide broad accessibility.  In addition, we deliberately avoided listing
> specific repositories, which may change over time.  On the other hand,
> there is nothing in the recommendation to discourage the use of CLOCKSS.
> Regarding Note 7.2.2, we retained the rule that material contained only in
> electronic supplements is not considered published as defined in this
> code.  Our major concerns about electronic supplements are that they are
> not as carefully reviewed as the main body of publications and that they
> may have less permanence.
> I think we could vote soon on whether to adopt these revised rules, but
> let’s wait a few days to give everyone a chance for a final reading.  There
> is no need to respond to this email unless there is a point you want to
> bring up for further consideration.  I will get back in touch with you
> early next week and ask for a vote.
> I am copying this message separately to Max because the listserv emails
> are not reaching him for some reason, even though he is listed on my
> administrative page as a subscriber.  Please remember to copy your messages
> to his addresses <mclanger at ffclrp.usp.br, langer.mc at gmail.com> when you
> send messages to the CPN listserv.
> Best regards,
> Phil
> Philip D. Cantino
> Emeritus Professor
> Department of Environmental and Plant Biology
> Ohio University
> Athens, OH 45701-2979
> Phone: (740) 593-1128
> Fax: (740) 593-1130
> email: cantino at ohio.edu <cantino at ohio.edu>
> <revised publication requirements.docx>

Max Cardoso Langer Ph.D. (Bristol, UK)
Departamento de Biologia
Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras de Ribeirao Preto
Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP)
Av. Bandeirantes  3900
14040-901     Ribeirao Preto,  SP,  BRAZIL

Phone: +55 16 3315 3844
FAX: +55 16 3315 4886

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