[CPN] Fwd: next set of CBM-related proposals
Michel Laurin
michel.laurin at upmc.fr
Mon Oct 8 16:20:35 EDT 2012
Dear Phil,
Sure, this is a reasonable request. I have no problem with that.
On 08/10/12 21:48, Cantino, Philip wrote:
> Dear CPN members,
> I said I would call for a vote on these proposals today, but I don't
> think we are ready to. Although only one person suggested changes,
> David M. suggested quite a number of them. I need time to discuss
> these with Kevin and return to the CPN with a revision to be voted on.
> This may take a few days.
> In order not to delay our response to the authors of the CBM proposal,
> I would like to delay consideration of David's suggestions concerning
> the definition and use of the term "taxon" (detailed in the second of
> his two Sept. 29 messages). That series of proposed changes is only
> tangentially related to the species issue and will take some time for
> Kevin and me to work through. I think this is better done after we
> finish with the CBM-related changes.
> Phil
> Begin forwarded message:
>> *From: *"Cantino, Philip" <cantino at ohio.edu <mailto:cantino at ohio.edu>>
>> *Date: *September 24, 2012 11:15:49 AM EDT
>> *To: *Committee on Phylogenetic Nomenclature <cpn at listserv.ohio.edu
>> <mailto:cpn at listserv.ohio.edu>>
>> *Subject: **[CPN] next set of CBM-related proposals*
>> Dear CPN members,
>> While the committee is voting on whether to delete Rec. 11.4B (see my
>> previous email), we can also be discussing the next set of proposed
>> changes that were stimulated by the CBM species proposal. Kevin and
>> I have worked out wording for most of the changes that the CPN agreed
>> to consider (see attached document). The only one we have not yet
>> worked on is Art. 21, which will be more difficult. In the process
>> of thinking about the attached changes, we noticed a few other
>> related ones that we feel should be made in the glossary, and these
>> are also included in the attached document.
>> Please think about all the changes in the attachment and send your
>> comments to the listserv. We are not yet voting on these; this is
>> the discussion period. How about if we give ourselves two weeks for
>> discussion? Unless someone asks for more time, I will call for a
>> vote on Monday, Oct. 8. In the meanwhile, I will work on the
>> proposed modifications to Art. 21, some of which came from me and
>> some from David M. I don't know whether I will be able to complete
>> these by Oct. 8 because I'll be out of town eight days of that period.
>> Phil
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