[CPN] first order of business for CPN

Philip Cantino cantino at ohio.edu
Thu Oct 27 14:09:18 EDT 2011

When you reply to Dave's call for a vote (or any other message on the listserv), please send your reply to the CPN listserv, not just to the sender.

One clarification: The code does not actually require posting of proposals to amend the code until after the code is implemented.  As long as it is still a draft, the CPN can modify it by a vote of the committee without publishing or web-posting proposals.  However, I do support the request that this proposal be posted on the ISPN website for public consideration.  Although we have not done so with previous proposals to the CPN, this one seems particularly major in its implications, and the authors of it requested that we post it.  I think we could approve its posting without implying that all future proposals have to be posted before they are considered by the CPN.  In fact, I suggest that we word the question we are voting on to be explicit about this.  Specifically, I suggest that we vote on the following question: (yes or no) "The CPN approves the posting on the ISPN website of the Cellinese et al. proposal regarding species, with the understanding that a vote of approval does not imply that all future proposals to the CPN for modification of the draft PhyloCode will be posted.  The posting will be accompanied by a statement encouraging members of the scientific community to send their comments to the CPN Secretary."

Dave, I suggest that we give members a few days to either agree with or modify this wording before you take a vote on it.  Thank you for starting the process.


On Oct 27, 2011, at 1:24 PM, David Tank wrote:

> Dear CPN,
> As I believe you are all aware, our colleagues Nico Cellinese, Brent Mishler, and David Baum have recently brought forward a proposal to amend the PhyloCode with respect to species (attached again here).  According to the Code proposals will be posted on the ISPN website to facilitate broader discussion.  However, because no previous proposals brought to CPN have been posted, I would like to start by getting the approval of the CPN to move this forward. 
> So, as the first order of business, I would like to ask for a formal vote from the CPN on whether this proposal can be posted on the ISPN website.  
> This is the first substantial proposed change to the code in quite some time and I think that it is very important to give the society and the community a chance to provide feedback to the CPN on this proposal.  If approved, I would like to accompany the posting with a statement encouraging readers to send comments to the CPN Secretary, David Marjanovic, before the end of December so that these can be shared with the CPN as a whole.  This timeline will also allow, Phil Cantino, who will be out of the country with limited email access through Dec., to participate in this important discussion.  
> Please respond to this no later than Monday Oct. 31.
> Best,
> Dave
> Chairperson, CPN
> _________________________________
> David C. Tank
> Assistant Professor & Director, Stillinger Herbarium
> University of Idaho
> 208.885.7033
> dtank at uidaho.edu
> http://www.phylodiversity.net/dtank/
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