[Counselor_Educ] FW: [External] Request for support in administering a survey to counseling master's and doctoral students
Foreman, Tamarine
foremant at ohio.edu
Mon Jan 13 15:16:19 EST 2025
Greetings all. Masters and Doctoral students, please see the below opportunity to participate in research.
From: Park,Cheolwoo <cheolwoopark at ufl.edu>
Date: Monday, January 13, 2025 at 9:08 AM
To: Park,Cheolwoo <cheolwoopark at ufl.edu>
Subject: [External] Request for support in administering a survey to counseling master's and doctoral students
Dear prospective participants,
My name is Cheolwoo Park, and I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Florida.
Under the supervision of Dean Glenn Good, I am currently conducting my dissertation, and I would like your assistance in examining the association between counselor educator’s perceived level of multicultural and social justice counseling competencies and counselor trainee’s counseling self-efficacy level via the counselor educator-trainee attachment relationship (IRB project number: ET00044417).
Data generated from this study will be used to demonstrate the relationship between counselor educator’s multicultural and social justice competencies level perceived by counselor trainee and counselor trainee’s level of counseling self-efficacy with the mediating effect of attachment relationship between counselor educator and trainee.
It is my hope that the current study expands the importance of and need for counselor educator’s multicultural and social justice competencies for counselor educator-trainee relationship and counselor trainee’s growth and development.
We expect around 15 to 20 minutes to complete the scale of this study.
· At least 18 years old
· Currently enrolled in CACREP-accredited master’s and doctoral level programs
To review the study further, here is the informed consent document<https://uflorida-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/cheolwoopark_ufl_edu/ETuWH_cfAaBOhtLqff4aRfQBrzxJz1nD8W66yUWXAqMA6w?e=2VmnjV&xsdata=MDV8MDJ8Y291bnNlbG9yX2VkdWNAbGlzdHNlcnYub2hpby5lZHV8Zjg0NTA0ZmJiZDZmNDA5NjczOTgwOGRkMzQwZjI0MGN8ZjMzMDgwMDc0NzdjNGE3MDg4ODkzNDYxMTgxN2M1NWF8MHwwfDYzODcyMzk2MTgwMjY0MjE2OHxVbmtub3dufFRXRnBiR1pzYjNkOGV5SkZiWEIwZVUxaGNHa2lPblJ5ZFdVc0lsWWlPaUl3TGpBdU1EQXdNQ0lzSWxBaU9pSlhhVzR6TWlJc0lrRk9Jam9pVFdGcGJDSXNJbGRVSWpveWZRPT18MHx8fA%3d%3d&sdata=ZXZyWTY3T0wrejdLTUlDZmdKRHRXT25HL0FNZ2ovTGJTU202eVp2WGwrbz0%3d>.
The University of Florida Institutional Review Board has approved this study on 11/28/2024; IRB project number: ET00044417.
Access the survey link here https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dczJyzzBU6q9Nrg
We will provide a $ 10 electronic gift card to every 4th participant who completes all questionnaires and provides an email address, up to 100 total gift cards. Thank you in advance for your participation in and support with this study.
Cheolwoo Park, M.Ed./Ed.S. (PI), University of Florida
For questions or concerns about the study, you may contact Cheolwoo Park at cheolwoopark at ufl.edu<mailto:cheolwoopark at ufl.edu>
For questions regarding the rights of research subjects, please contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB02) office (University of Florida; PO Box 100173; Gainesville, FL 32610; (352) 392-0433 or irb2 at ufl.edu.)
With gratitude,
Cheolwoo Park, M.Ed./Ed.S. NCC
Ph.D. Candidate
AACTE Holmes Scholar||Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern (IMH 24195)
Counseling and Counselor Education
The School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education (HDOSE)
College of Education || University of Florida
Pronouns: he/his/him
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