[Counselor_Educ] Ohio College Counseling Association Leadership Opportunities

Bhat, Christine bhatc at ohio.edu
Tue May 12 22:10:13 EDT 2020

Leadership Opportunities within the Ohio College Counseling Association – deadlines have been extended. Please apply if interested. Thanks to alumna Dr. Michelle Shinaberry for sharing this information.


From: Occa Ohio <ohiocollegecounseling at gmail.com<mailto:ohiocollegecounseling at gmail.com>>

Date: April 28, 2020 at 10:31:39 AM EDT

To: "OCCA at listserv.kent.edu<mailto:OCCA at listserv.kent.edu>" <OCCA at LISTSERV.KENT.EDU<mailto:OCCA at LISTSERV.KENT.EDU>>

Subject: OCCA Elections- Friendly reminder that there is still time to submit your interest!

Reply-To: Ohio College Counseling Association-KSU Chapter <OCCA at LISTSERV.KENT.EDU<mailto:OCCA at LISTSERV.KENT.EDU>>

Hello fellow college counselors and mental health professional who work in a college setting/with a college population,

Our OCCA Executive board hopes that you are all well and safe during these chaotic and difficult times.  As we look forward to the future with optimism, we are starting to gear up for another exciting year with OCCA leadership! We have several positions that are open, including a couple of new positions for Members at Large.  We hope that you will read the descriptions and consider joining our board. We are planning to launch voting on May 1st, so please submit your statement of interest that tells us what makes you interested in a particular position and what you would bring to the board should you be elected.  Your statements of interest and any questions can be emailed to  ohiocollegecounseling at gmail.com<mailto:ohiocollegecounseling at gmail.com>.  We look forward to hearing from you soon!

The Ohio College Counseling Association (OCCA) is a state organization affiliated with the American College Counseling Association (ACCA), a division of the American Counseling Association (ACA). It is also a division of the Ohio Counseling Association (OCA).

OCCA is an association for those providing counseling services to those in higher education including colleges, universities, as well as community and technical college settings. Our mission is to foster student development and provide services that support emerging and state of the art knowledge and resources for counseling professionals in higher education. The purpose of the association is to enhance the development of qualified professionals in college counseling so as to:

a.     Support and enhance the practice of college counseling.

b.     Promote ethical and responsible professional practice.

c.     Promote communication and exchange among college counselors across service areas and institutional settings.

d.     Encourage cooperation with other organizations related to higher education and college student development.

e.     Provide leadership and advocacy for the profession of counseling in higher education.

2020/21 Ohio College Counseling Association

Executive Board Vacancies


1.     To serve as a member of the OCCA Executive Board.

2.     To coordinate convention programs

3.     To perform the duties of the President in the absence of or the incapacity of the President as determined by the OCCA Executive Board.

4.     To perform other duties as directed by the Executive Board.


1.     To serve as a member of the OCCA Executive Board.

2.     To assure the receipt and expenditure of funds in accordance with the directives established by the President and the OCCA Executive Board.

3.     To present reports of the financial status of OCCA to the Board, the membership, ACCA and OCA.

4.     To present a proposed budget to the OCCA Executive Board at the beginning of the term of office as well as the OCA Board of Directors if deemed necessary.

5.     To perform the duties customary with the office and such additional duties as directed by the President and/or the OCCA Executive Board.


1.     To serve as a member of the OCCA Executive Board.

2.     To keep records of the proceedings of the meetings of OCCA as well as the OCCA Executive Board.

3.     To conduct official correspondence of the OCCA, including the issuance of notices of meetings when requested by the President.

4.     To notify ACCA and OCA of amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws when adopted by the membership.

5.     To notify OCCA candidates of election results, when requested by the President.

6.     To solicit such written reports of standing and special committees for the Executive Board and the OCCA business meeting as called.

7.     To maintain in collaboration with the President Roberts Rules of Order at all face-to-face meetings.

Communications and Social Media Chair:

1.   To serve as a member of the OCCA Executive Board

2.     The Communications and Social Media Chair shall be responsible for electronic or published Association communication to its members. This may include newsletters, publications, listservs, social media, website maintenance and/or directories.

Members At Large:

                  1. The two members-at-large shall serve on the OCCA Executive Board at least one year and provide replacements for their role when exiting the board.

                   2. Members At Large will help update a directory of college/university counseling centers in Ohio for the purposes of collaboration and building networks with fellow counselors in college counseling.

                    3. Members at Large will work together with members of the executive board to help plan, organize, and execute future programming and workshops sponsored by OCCA.


OCCA Executive Board

Julie Lineburgh, M.Ed., LPCC-S

President and treasurer

Philip Hughes, M.A., LPC

President-Elect and treasurer

Michael Lewis, Ph.D., LPCC-S


Michelle Shinaberry, Ph.D., LPSC, LPC, CWC, RTY


Christine Suniti Bhat, Ph.D., L.P.C, L.S.C.
Professor, Counselor Education,
Department of Counseling and Higher Education,
The Patton College of Education, OHIO UNIVERSITY, Athens, OH 45701

Office:McCracken Hall, 432F
Phone: 740-593-4425; Fax: 740-593-0477; Email: bhatc at ohio.edu
Website: https://www.ohio.edu/education/bhatc
Media: https://www.ohio.edu/experts/expert/christine-suniti-bhat

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