[Counselor_Educ] FW: Free Training on addiction assessment and treatment

Bhat, Christine bhatc at ohio.edu
Wed Dec 5 09:52:50 EST 2018

From: Diane [mailto:diane at ahv317.co.athens.oh.us]
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 8:52 AM
Subject: Free Training on addiction assessment and treatment

This is something that you, your colleagues or your students may be interested in-there is both a two day training and a more concise on-line training.  I did the on line training and found it to be an excellent resource. Please share with others who might benefit.

[cid:image003.jpg at 01D48BE6.04A6DB90]>>> New ASAM Criteria Trainings Scheduled
As part of Ohio's 21st Century CURES Act initiative, the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services is sponsoring two-day, application-focused trainings that provide participants with an in-depth look at the theoretical foundations of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria<https://www.asam.org/resources/the-asam-criteria/about>, including clinically driven services, biopsychosocial assessment, the six dimensions, continued stay and transfer/discharge criteria. Incorporating the use of the new edition of the ASAM Criteria, participants have opportunities for skill practice at every stage of the treatment process: assessment, engagement, treatment planning, continuing care and transfer or discharge. All participants will receive a copy of the ASAM Criteria and an in-depth training journal to guide the training experience and as a resource for continuing skill application. This free opportunity offers 13 CME/CEU credits. Two free online ASAM Criteria training modules are also available.  The modules include: ASAM Multidimensional Assessment (5.0 CMEs/CEUs) and ASAM from Assessment to Service Planning (5.0 CMEs/CEUs). Please click HERE<https://workforce.mha.ohio.gov/Workforce-Development/Health-Professionals/ASAM-Criteria-Training> for additional information and to view the training schedule.

Diane Pfaff, LISW-S, Community Services Manager
Athens-Hocking-Vinton Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board
7990 Dairy Lane
PO Box 130
Athens, OH 45701
740-593-3177  Ext. 14
740-592-1996 (fax)
diane at ahv317.co.athens.oh.us<mailto:diane at ahv317.co.athens.oh.us>

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