[Counselor_Educ] FW: CBT Scholarship Competitions: for Students and for Faculty

Leinbaugh, Tracy leinbaug at ohio.edu
Thu Feb 7 14:20:06 EST 2013

Tracy Leinbaugh, PhD, NCC, PCC-S
Associate Professor
Department of Counseling and Higher Education
Ohio University
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education and Human Services
370 McCracken Hall
Athens, OH 45701

Phone: 740-593-0846
E-mail: leinbaug at ohio.edu<mailto:leinbaug at ohio.edu>

Show, by your actions, that you choose peace over war, freedom over oppression, voice over silence, service over self-interest, respect over advantage, cooperation over competition, action over passivity, diversity over uniformity, and justice over all.

From: Aaron Beck and Judith Beck [mailto:education at beckinstitute.org]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 8:10 AM
To: Leinbaugh, Tracy
Subject: CBT Scholarship Competitions: for Students and for Faculty

Can you help us spread the word?

The Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy is pleased to announce two scholarship competitions in 2013:

 *   1st Annual Faculty Scholarship Competition
 *   4th Annual Student Scholarship Competition

For Faculty: 1st Annual Faculty Scholarship Competition

The Beck Institute will award five faculty recipients (graduate faculty in psychology, psychiatry, social work, nursing, and counseling may apply) with full tuition scholarships to our 1st Annual Faculty Workshop: Teaching and Supervising CBT<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001jpysOjdbF-rtz65V8yyKo0EeA5o-rhm-SFq1fgDfMw-gAfJuNWgoMtKlcIFV8z-AFPFXChRuGFzl1QZFV46ahjaTsHuAfXOasyQkgrUiBNJ5XmusDwWnCrbFa62H5oNYDeyy5qWleOp_qUikphHwTR1UY8TUhY3-ZgWYx7YVV3683LUWuRkQZMi-2MTQIou6OSzF3M8H8aJaDoDhB192_7nm3FauGBdyjohKUaoXT0YxISnZYiDN1g4QYVwa8J8-WYdisb8KIJnAevQMyUZqT2S8ftCP6vCcyy5E6KzjYpnZ49nbls7_y1ksRBi0yOQUA7NuCgCBwSdVLYHzkueGQLtvmfz3qx6JlbXUJJJn1Jk=>, in Philadelphia, PA, on June 3 - 5, 2013.

In this workshop led by Beck Institute adjunct faculty, Donna Sudak, MD, and Randy Fingerhut, PhD, graduate faculty will learn how to employ evidence-based strategies to improve CBT teaching and supervision, how to identify key learning needs and micro skills for CBT training,

and how to effectively provide feedback to students and trainees. The workshop will also address faculty development, program development (including coordination of training elements within a program), and processes of student/trainee evaluation.

Visit the Faculty Scholarship Competition registration page<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001jpysOjdbF-qTqktmzDHX820qoU94l7F94G7tGEnJtP7pKkaGfcYqha_yKf39NhTXiCgeFhA2tDNPvWdU58piA6wgUj77euItkJa_amzWX0dtTsE_y2GVojImWK0nrpLfQzo8KY7VxotwM6S--u4FSdFH2-hrV0qWsbjD5TB2CwpRlO8U-UQSy1f9RxYhlJWVNyE554OHhAq72e8zCVBZtYRNwzTJogN6IXeWNqMSfXAVWx9VojbUbtOgW0hf7N-v-T9vJoVFTo_AFzNsRvq1C7SZAEXAgASunsT5mjR4sOByMhlWA8wWhGBqL3pwBdlorBSeo_eYMX5MsWsYoNu61Fnr7bJE8-exjtA90lGETgY=> for details about eligibility and directions on how to enter this competition.

The deadline for the Faculty Scholarship competition is March 1, 2013.

For Students: 4th Annual Student Scholarship Competition

The Beck Institute will award 10 student recipients (graduate students, postdoctoral fellows,

and residents in psychology, psychiatry, social work, nursing, and counseling may apply) with

full tuition scholarships to our 4th Annual Student Workshop: CBT for Depression and Suicidality<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001jpysOjdbF-rsLRw2Dlyu9FxWYLulYMjwF3xuvjlXb9pccLBKRrRPaAymR7dBRb8t2xlBquq9k18Bds0pbBFZj6ydtFXmN4LF3zRhmWyqveeaR2lvYfEE1uZ9xwvGMxIMI-4NSrqdxMHyJwMrfIu6xJDOEYEdAopbZqRXWdzwODMDGX8s-JPo8WQ741ilzYyDnzHBdI7L4RZ8NJexyswhYSrYg_rVtj4Z3LCeDzPOqtf13HbBV_TTdhur-tTxf1mKtQ6gkO3ggAE-23VLXgIFcWwENQx3HzjlIuWjxpfKHJXAqziJZ_5KHwJXSPphn9e3VMBdchZczyCKCJzlIxSZCw62vWGQi8gS3yTGNDs5eZtVyzQoIXC8Fg==>,

in Philadelphia, PA, on August 12 - 14, 2013.

In this workshop, Judith S. Beck, PhD, will introduce the fundamental theory, structure, and techniques of cognitive behavior therapy. Participants will learn how to establish a strong therapeutic alliance, conceptualize patients according to the cognitive model, and use the conceptualization to plan treatment within and across sessions. Daniella Cavenagh, PhD, Director of Education at Beck Institute will present and provide a cognitive framework for understanding suicidality.

Visit the Student Scholarship competition registration page<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001jpysOjdbF-pV5jFd9Ua_n54Fb_Qf5R3BDTDaQMzL1VIeIOliLFuCH2GwVdsWXtdoThcNeOSOiskkp-sPq94xYrPIOfx6IOtawlmFctVjjdtMKT_Ya62kHOIUxdr7h4larlpUaw5HjXpUMONdalbnqCqiRXw_2EU1uIvvZHpl2TyrHCFozeE7entZQy0fuG9-YbwzeauPNTqJ3hXMvm-PRdF2KeTsTfChTQJNzgdcFbLy7lRLJ4Yzz9vVD1sq3CfIGI57v8McllZsTABG1uMfXPLEpiWNAKFmAKr2rU3D0ds_HEmXX4TgVp_ro30zlZkcon5wN4rIHkcIbdWwgXaCH2WEFPsIrt34bm4ADAwr5i9KRF3ac8TQeg==> for details about eligibility and directions on how to enter this competition.

The deadline for the Student Scholarship competition is March 15, 2013.

Both workshops feature a special 90-minute conversation with Dr. Aaron Beck, after which scholarship winners are invited to discuss their work in a private session with Drs. Judith and Aaron Beck.

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this message and telling your colleagues, students, professors and supervisors about these two opportunities.

We look forward to reading your submissions, and we wish you the best of luck!


Aaron Beck and Judith Beck

Aaron T. Beck, M.D. | President Emeritus, Beck Institute

University Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry | University of Pennsylvania

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D. | President, Beck Institute

Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry | University of Pennsylvania
Past President | Academy of Cognitive Therapy

Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001jpysOjdbF-oF_B2Jy0v9lKlYed_qBLumetSSOemy4uN8lN7oHysYhlaZwvKlHNcQjrEVLbZatI4wpPMJZaFBWAH2jsMvtpKhBk3y5EU0uRsgfZGQAC2gLqDbihZStmqLWwiJJeIeqj5KWCEtgU_0DFvei4vzIQLpRomaYrM2IN15XUR4MdLHqGq0j-hNon5-RcjaIvdD7PLIrKN7GuPo7pnK32sX5d8zmykr44B1QJBqn083ara7jQigruwrPPRbioqJyJxiajh_W4hPcNkS18Gk-kWKfRnCt7-E1ynnv_UdaMFa2uV9Os-nVHdte_6UBIBHbH1x_dJLdho4uzHG1A==>

One Belmont Avenue, Suite 700, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004



This email was sent to leinbaug at ohio.edu<mailto:leinbaug at ohio.edu> by education at beckinstitute.org<mailto:education at beckinstitute.org> |
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Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy | 1 Belmont Avenue, Suite 700 | Bala Cynwyd | PA | 19004

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