[Counselor_Educ] Fwd: ASERVIC Call for Monographs

Dr. Mona Robinson mrobi28105 at aol.com
Thu Nov 29 13:17:48 EST 2012

Mona Robinson, PhD, PCC-S, LSW, CRC 
Associate Professor and Program Coordinator
Counselor Education
Ohio University 
Patton College of Education
Department of Counseling and Higher Education
203 McCracken Hall 
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 593-4461 phone (740) 593-0477 fax 
robinsoh at ohio.edu 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan D. Foster <rfoster at MARYMOUNT.EDU>
Sent: Thu, Nov 29, 2012 1:13 pm
Subject: ASERVIC Call for Monographs

Call for Monographs
Connecting Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body:
A Collection of Spiritual and Religious Practices in Counseling 
A few years ago, a call was sent out for monographs for a tentative book. At the request of the members of ASERVIC, we are excited to resume this project. Submitted monographs will be peer-reviewed for an on-line article submission.  We will continue the guidelines set forth for the current collection but expand to include monographs on world religions and practices:
 Those who submitted monographs previously will be contacted to determine interest in continuing with this project. There is no need to re-submit as all monographs have been located.
Manuscript format and content requirements:
1.      Author’s full name, credentials, academic or agency affiliation, e-mail, phone, and two sentences of author information.
2.      Manuscript should include:  
Theoretical foundation and relevant research. 
Definition/Description and History (Definition/description and brief historical overview of the experience or practice);
Indications (How the experience/practice can/should be addressed/used in the counseling process);
Cautions/Contraindications (Any factors that should limit or eliminate attention to the experience or use of the practice or that indicate need for referral; if a practice is “unproven” or “developing,” so specify per 2005 ACA ethics);
3.      Suggested Resources (Print and/or internet resources for counselor to find information to develop further expertise and/or find training to develop competence in addressing the experience or using the practice in counseling);
4.      References 
Length: 5 to 8 pages of double spaced text (not counting title page, References page, and author information) adhering to APA 6th edition format and in a Word document. 
All submissions should be sent electronically to rfoster at marymount.edu
Deadline for proposals: March 15, 2013.
Ryan D. Foster on behalf of the Editorial Review Committee
Ryan D. Foster, PhD, LPC-S (Texas), NCC
Assistant Professor
Department of Counseling
Marymount University
2807 N. Glebe Road
Arlington, VA  22207
(703) 284-1661
rfoster at marymount.edu
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