[Counselor_Educ] FW: Position opening

Leinbaugh, Tracy leinbaug at ohio.edu
Tue Jan 4 11:25:12 EST 2011

Tracy Leinbaugh, PhD, NCC, PCC-S
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Counseling and Higher Education
Ohio University
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education and Human Services
205 McCracken Hall
Athens, OH 45701

Phone: 740-593-0846
E-mail: leinbaug at ohio.edu<mailto:leinbaug at ohio.edu>

Show, by your actions, that you choose peace over war, freedom over oppression, voice over silence, service over self-interest, respect over advantage, cooperation over competition, action over passivity, diversity over uniformity, and justice over all.

From: CESNET-L is a unmoderated listserv concerning counselor ed. & supervision [mailto:CESNET-L at LISTSERV.KENT.EDU] On Behalf Of Daniels, M. Harry
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 9:38 AM
Subject: Position opening


The Counseling and Wellness Center at the University of Florida is inviting applications/nominations for the Assistant Coordinator of the Crisis and Emergency Resource Center. Details about the position are below.

M. Harry Daniels, Ph.D.
School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education
1215 Norman Hall
PO Box 117046
Gainesville, FL 32611-7046

Phone:  352-273-4321
Fax:    352-846-2697
E-mail: harryd at coe.ufl.edu

Position Title
Student Counseling Specialist 2

Position No.   00001857

University of Florida

Counseling and Wellness Center

Salary negotiable based on qualifications and experience.

Position Description
The Assistant Coordinator of the CERC is responsible for providing crisis response services and crisis stabilization services to students , faculty, and staff.  Along with the Associate Director for Crisis and Emergency Services and Administration, this position helps coordinate the crisis counseling trauma response for the Center and the campus as a whole.  In addition to these specific administrative duties, the job duties include: providing individual, couples and group counseling, intake assessment; crisis intervention, campus consultation, outreach programs, clinical supervision; professional training and teaching, scholarly activities (professional presentations, leadership, and publications) and performing administrative and committee responsibilities as required.

Minimum Qualifications
Must be licensable as a mental health counselor in the State of Florida. Must have a master's degree in mental health counseling, guidance, psychology, or rehabilitation counseling at a college or university accredited by an accrediting agency approved by the United States Department of Education.

While the minimum requirement for this position is a master's degree and licensure as a mental health counselor, the level of expertise and skill required to qualify for this position is attained through completing  a Ph.D. in Psychology, Social Work, or Counselor Education along with experience working in crisis response and/or suicide prevention.

Preferred Qualifications

Doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology , Counselor Education or Clinical Social Work
Previous crisis service experience is preferred.   Ability to handle complex crises and/or clinical situations and to provide related supervision, training, and consultation to staff and faculty on as needed basis.  Strong communication, critical thinking and organizational skills required to develop and maintain policies, procedures, and clinical delivery systems for the agency.  Ability to work collaboratively as part of a multidisciplinary team.  Strong program development and evaluation skills required for clinical utilization tracking, clinical services training, and outcome assessment, and quality assurance and utilization review. Demonstrated commitment to the highest ethical standards of professional practice, as well as an understanding of and commitment to diversity issues in the delivery and management of clinical services.

CWC description
The Mission of the Counseling and Wellness Center at the University of Florida is to facilitate the total development of students by reducing psychological problems and distress and by enhancing mental health, well-being, quality of life, and optimal functioning, through the delivery of high quality, culturally sensitive services to UF students and the larger campus community. Our primary focus is on providing brief, confidential counseling aimed at helping students succeed academically and interpersonally.
The CWC provides:
*      Individual, couples, and group counseling for students with psychological, emotional, academic and/or relationship concerns

*      Crisis intervention for students experiencing a personal crisis or emergency

*      Psychiatric evaluation and medication consultation

*       Stress management and biofeedback services

*      Outreach, prevention, and educational programs for students, faculty, and staff

*      Consultation services for students, faculty, staff, families, and friends of students

*      Training and supervision in counseling and psychology graduate students from pre-practicum through Post-doctoral residency

*      Assessment and referral services

*      Teaching, research, and scholarship

Our staff consists of about 40 clinicians in Clinical psychology, counseling psychology, counselor education, and social work.  In addition, the psychiatry staff of the Student Health Care Center shares our facility.  We have a brand new facility which opened  May 10, 2010.

University  and Regional Description:
UF is a major, public, comprehensive, land-grant, research university with membership in the Association of American Universities. It is the state's oldest <http://www.ufl.edu/history/>  university, among the nation's most academically diverse publics, with about 50,000 students and a 2,000-acre campus. The Counseling and Wellness  Center, located within the Division of Student Affairs, is IACS accredited and has an APA accredited pre-doctoral internship. The campus is located in Gainesville, a community which continues to be ranked as one of the best places to live in the United States. Gainesville has its own urban forest with canopy coverage for 60% of the city. It is known as a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts.  Nearby are many recreational lakes and rivers; the north Florida beaches of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean are just a short drive away. UF consistently attracts world-class performing arts. Sports fans can enjoy Gator athletics, with UF ranking among the nation's 10 best athletic programs in both men's and women's sports.

Required Application Materials
Persons interested in this position should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and contact information for 3 references to jobs.ufl.edu (reference Requisition 0806761).  Electronic applications are required.  Anyone requiring special accommodations to complete an application should contact the Search Committee Chair, Wayne Griffin, PhD.

Application Deadline
To insure full consideration, vitas, dossiers and statements of intent to apply should be submitted   February 16, 2011, when the Search Committee will begin reviewing applications.  Applications received after this date may be considered at the discretion of the Committee and/or hiring authority.  The University of Florida is an AA/EO employer and acts in compliance with all aspects of the ADA. Members of under-represented groups are encouraged to apply. We seek candidates that can demonstrate their experiences with working with diverse students, faculty and staff and working in a multicultural environment.

Starting Date
Summer, 2011

Web Address
www.counseling.ufl.edu <http://www.counseling.ufl.edu>

The University of Florida is an equal opportunity institution.  Because the university is committed to building a broadly diverse educational environment that fosters multicultural skills, applicants should include in their cover letter information about how they will further this objective.
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