Leinbaugh, Tracy leinbaug at ohio.edu
Wed Sep 22 10:20:37 EDT 2010

Tracy Leinbaugh, PhD, NCC, PCC-S
Associate Professor
Chair, Department of Counseling and Higher Education
205 McCracken Hall
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701

Phone: 740-593-0846
E-mail: leinbaug at ohio.edu<mailto:leinbaug at ohio.edu>

Show, by your actions, that you choose peace over war, freedom over oppression, voice over silence, service over self-interest, respect over advantage, cooperation over competition, action over passivity, diversity over uniformity, and justice over all.

From: CESNET-L is a unmoderated listserv concerning counselor ed. & supervision [mailto:CESNET-L at LISTSERV.KENT.EDU] On Behalf Of Thomas Hohenshil
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 7:46 AM


We want to thank all of the people who responded to our Call for Manuscripts for the International Section of the Journal of Counseling & Development (JCD).  More than 45 authors volunteered to develop manuscripts for 30+ different countries.  However, due to some space limitations we are no longer accepting any more countries at the present time.

For those who are interested in publishing internationally but are not participating in the JCD project, we have found the following list of English language, international journals to be quite useful:

        Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. This journal is a peer-reviewed publication of the Asian Professional Counsellors Association, which is located in Hong Kong.  It provides a forum for academic/research papers focusing on best practices in counseling and psychotherapy.  A special goal is to provide international dialogue between the Asia Pacific region and other parts of the world.  <http<http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/RAPC> ://<http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/RAPC> www.tandf.co.uk/journals/RAPC<http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/RAPC> >

         Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling. This is the professional journal of the Australian Guidance and Counseling Association. It is published bi-annually and deals with theoretical, practical, and training issues in school counseling and school psychology.   < http://www.agca.com.au/article.php?id=5<http://www.agca.com.au/article.php?id=5%20> >

            Canadian Journal of Career Development. The Canadian Journal of Career Development is sponsored by the Counselling Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling, and Memorial University of Newfoundland.  It is published once or twice each year and includes such topics as career development in the corporate sector, secondary and post secondary education, and government.    < http://www.ceric.ca/cjcd/pages/submitarticle.html >

            Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. This is the flagship journal of the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association, which is published quarterly and has a circulation of more than 3,000 copies.  It is a bilingual journal which publishes articles of interest for the broad range of counselors the Association represents.
< http://www.ccacc.ca/en/resources/canadianjournalofcounselling/>

            Career Development International (CDI).  CDI is published by Emerald for an international audience dealing with issues in career development and career counseling. It is primarily focused on topics in business, industry, and government, rather than being education based.  It deals with such topics as career interventions, mentoring, organizational change, and the nature of work.   < http://www.emeraldinsight.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=cdi >

            Counselling Australia. This is the professional journal of the Australian Counseling Association and is published three times each year. Generally it publishes articles dealing with non school issues, and thus is clinically oriented.    < http://www.theaca.net.au/journals_and_articles.php>

            Counselling Psychology Quarterly. The Counselling Psychology Quarterly is published four times each year by Routledge, Taylor & Francis.  It is a refereed, international, interdisciplinary journal which includes articles which are of immediate practical relevance to counselling, clinical, occupational, health and medical psychologists throughout the world. < http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/09515070.asp<http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/09515070.asp%20> >

            International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. This is the professional journal of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, It is a refereed journal which publishes articles about work and leisure, career development, and career counseling  which have international content.  < http://www.springer.com/education+%26+language/journal/10775<http://www.springer.com/education+%26+language/journal/10775%20> >

            International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling..  This journal is published under the auspices of the International Association for Counselling.  It publishes a wide variety of international counseling articles dealing with research, practice, and theory. It also publishes papers presented at the Associations major conferences and workshops.
< http://www.springer.com/psychology/psychotherapy+%26+counseling/journal/10447 >

            International Journal of Mental Health Systems.  This is an international, online, open access, refereed journal which contains articles about all aspects of mental health system development and reform.    <http://www.ijmhs.com/ >

            International Journal of Psychology and Counselling (IJPC). IJPC is published by Academic Journals.  It is an Internet based, open access, peer reviewed journal which publishes articles approximately one month after acceptance.  The Journal contains research and practice based articles on a variety of counseling related topics.  < http://www.academicjournals.org/ijpc/Terms.htm>

            International Psychiatry (IP).  IP is produced by the Royal College of Psychiatrists to provide information about global mental health.  It provides an overview of psychiatric practice in different countries through original, refereed articles dealing with the promotion of mental health and management of mental health services.  It serves as an outlet for authors from low and middle-income countries.   < http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/publications/journals/ipinfo1.aspx>

            Journal for International Counselor Education (JICE).  JICE is a peer reviewed, international journal which is published by Berkeley Electronic Press and housed at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.  It is an open-access journal which features counselor education research, theory, instructional techniques, and practice.    JICE publishes manuscripts as they are accepted, continually throughout the year and articles can be downloaded free of charge.   < http://digitalcommons.library.unlv.edu/jice/about.html>

            New Zealand Journal of Counselling. This journal is a publication of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors.  It is designed as a forum for sharing ideas, research, practice based articles and book reviews to reflect the diversity of interests of New Zealand's counselors. Two issues are published each year.   < http://www.nzac.org.nz/nzjc.html>

            Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling.  The Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling includes articles on a variety of counseling topics.  It publishes a blend of articles which  appeal to counselors in schools and other settings.  < http://ajol.info/index.php/njgc>

            PsyTalk.  PsyTalk is the national journal for the Psychological Society of South Africa. As such, it includes articles covering a broad range of psychological topics relative to South Africa and the general region.   < http://www.psytalk.info/sitemap.html>

            School Psychology International (SPI). SPI is a refereed journal published by Sage Publications and normally has five or six issues per volume year. It includes a variety of learning and behavioral articles involving school aged children and adolescents.   < http://spi.sagepub.com/>

             Therapy Today.  This flagship journal of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy is published 10 times a year and includes counseling and therapy topics relating to  research and practice, mainly in Great Britain.   < http://www.therapytoday.net/ >

Best regards & happy writing  - - - - -

Thomas Hohenshil <thohen at vt.edu>
Norman E. Amundson <amundson at interchange.ubc.ca
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