[Classclimate-users] Updates

Ostermann, Shawn osterman at ohio.edu
Tue Nov 26 16:17:49 EST 2019

Regarding deleting old messages… fear not, mailman archives everything.  At the bottom of every classclimate email is a link to the mailing list.  For this list, it’s http://listserv.ohio.edu/mailman/listinfo/classclimate-users <http://listserv.ohio.edu/mailman/listinfo/classclimate-users>
That will take you to the mailing list page, where you can click on:

>> To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Classclimate-users Archives <http://listserv.ohio.edu/pipermail/classclimate-users/>.

If you click that, it’ll take you to an archive by year.  If you click the 2019 threads link, you’ll see this page:

https://listserv.ohio.edu/pipermail/classclimate-users/2019/date.html <https://listserv.ohio.edu/pipermail/classclimate-users/2019/date.html>

Unfortunately, I can’t provide a solution to your actual problem, but that link will take you to the email where they talked about it.


> On Nov 26, 2019, at 3:43 PM, Khurshid, Carolyn <khurshid at ohio.edu> wrote:
> i am not a smart person.  i was cleaning up my inboxes and deleted some emails from this list-serv.  unfortunately, i deleted the emails that told me how to fix my surveys when i am getting the "in progress" message.  i THINK it's to do with the number of students registered for the class when the course was loaded vs. the number that is currently enrolled.  does anyone know what i mean?  on the eval, under the #FORMS am getting the 000  00%
> <cc error.png>
> duh, TIA
> carolyn
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> on behalf of Megan Gadbau-Myers <gadbau-m at ohio.edu <mailto:gadbau-m at ohio.edu>>
> Reply-To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Date: Monday, November 25, 2019 2:01 PM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Hi Lisa (and Listserv),
> Michelle sent an update on Thursday (11/21) releasing Class Climate for survey generation and distribution with the caveat that subunit administrators would need to be careful because there are duplicate, and in some cases, triplicate instructors and courses.  Eliminating the multiples is a manual job, so we wouldn’t be able to clean up all of the subunits before the survey period ends, and it’s not strictly necessary to deploy the evaluations anyway, so if you’re comfortable sorting out your own data, please do so before or after deploying surveys.  Just be aware that the multiples appear in two formats (example repeated from Michelle’s 11/21 update):
> For example, you might have duplicate courses listed under a single named user, like this:
> Bob Cat
> Course1
> Course1
> Course2
> Course2
> Or you might have slight variations on the named user so the duplicate courses appear as if under two different people, like this:
> Bob Cat
> Course1
> Course2
> Dr. Bob Cat
> Course1
> Course2
> We’ve documented some steps for cleaning up the duplicate instructors/courses.  There are two sets:
> If you have NOT YET generated/deployed surveys. <https://catmailohio-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/gadbau-m_ohio_edu/Edfpt7txdgVPvMJhMjAXKLsB5YylldLFmjhM5qMOVNlEqw?e=2reL8P>
> If you have ALREADY generated/deployed surveys (or only have access to ONE subunit) <https://catmailohio-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/gadbau-m_ohio_edu/EUuShIsLKq5OkupOG7Q2wP4B2zW-BK2NGLYdaPbWjS9mAg?e=uCLC20>.
> The above linked documents are on OneDrive and require authentication.  In order to avoid access issues, please log into OneDrive (or Catmail) before clicking the link.
> If you are uncomfortable performing the clean up on your own subunits using our steps or your own, please send a direct message (i.e. not a reply to the entire listserv) to gadbau-m at ohio.edu <mailto:gadbau-m at ohio.edu> or classclimate at ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate at ohio.edu> identifying your subunit(s) and questions/concerns.
> Again, we apologize for the inconveniences caused by this issue and we truly appreciate your patience.
> Thanks,
> Megan
> --
> Office of Information Technology
> Megan Myers
> Applications Support Analyst
> WUSOC 171
> 1 Ohio University Drive
> Athens OH 45701-2979
> T:740-593-1222
> gadbau-m at ohio.edu <mailto:gadbau-m at ohio.edu>
> www.ohio.edu/oit <http://www.ohio.edu/oit> • status.ohio.edu <https://status.ohio.edu/>
> www.twitter.com/OhioIT <http://www.twitter.com/OhioIT>
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> on behalf of "Dael, Lisa" <dael at ohio.edu <mailto:dael at ohio.edu>>
> Reply-To: Class Climate Users Listerv <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Date: Monday, November 25, 2019 at 11:57 AM
> To: Class Climate Users Listerv <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Is Class Climate repaired so we can deploy evaluations now? I haven’t heard anything since Friday on the status.
> Lisa
> The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
> Curriculum & Technology Center
> Lisa S. Dael, MLS, CPP
> Assistant Director, Online and Outreach Programs
> McCracken Hall 225D
> 1 Ohio University
> Athens OH 45701-2979
> T: 740.593.9925
> dael at ohio.edu <mailto:dael at ohio.edu>
> www.ohio.edu <http://www.ohio.edu/> • www.ohio.edu/compass <http://www.ohio.edu/compass>
> www.twitter.com/OUPattonCollege <http://www.twitter.com/OUPattonCollege>
> www.facebook.com/PattonCEHS <http://www.facebook.com/PattonCEHS>
> Called to Lead
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Kasler, Helen
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2019 10:07 AM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Thank you so much.
> Helen
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Donaldson, Michelle
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2019 10:06 AM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Hi Helen,
> Class Climate is available, but you will have duplicated users and likely duplicated courses for this semester.  We’ve found a way to manually clean up the duplicates, but it can only be done one sub-unit at a time.  It takes about 30 minutes per sub-unit.  I’ll try to get yours cleaned up before my 10:30 meeting.  I’ll send you a direct message when it is ready.
> Thanks,
> Michelle
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Kasler, Helen
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2019 9:54 AM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Class climate is not ready yet, correct?
> Thanks.
> Helen
> Helen Kasler
> Administrative Associate
> Ohio University School of Music
> 740-593-4244
> kasler at ohio.edu <mailto:kasler at ohio.edu>
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Khurshid, Carolyn
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 5:31 PM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> When I assigned two courses to Fall 19-20 the system did NOT assign them.  It said at the top "0 courses assigned".
> I was hoping I could weed out the extras by just not assigning them but that doesn't seem to work.
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> on behalf of "Donaldson, Michelle" <donaldso at ohio.edu <mailto:donaldso at ohio.edu>>
> Reply-To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Date: Thursday, November 21, 2019 3:27 PM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Hi Debbie,
> Unfortunately, yes, you will have to recreate the surveys.  I’ll follow up to your direct message with additional information.
> Thanks,
> Michelle
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of McAdoo, Debra
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 3:17 PM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Michelle,
> I sent the following just a bit ago to your OU email, thinking that I was not having CC issues:
> Michelle,
> This may or may not be of value to you, but my faculty in Dance (DFT- Dance) did not duplicate. I have generated and printed paper forms as always before. I just assumed that when I logged into the system on Monday that everything had been fixed.
> Debbie
> JUST A FEW MINUTES AGO, I checked and my faculty are now duplicated/triplicated, and my surveys do not display, (except for a single one that I created yesterday for an Independent study having only 4 students). Am I going to have to re-create the surveys?
> Debbie
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Donaldson, Michelle
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 2:57 PM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> The data feed has finished processing, and it appears that in addition to the duplicate users, some of the courses are duplicated as well.  We are opening the system back up so that you can process your surveys, while we continue to investigate. Please be careful when selecting your courses for processing, as the duplicate courses are appearing in two different ways.
> For example, you might have duplicate courses listed under a single named user, like this:
> Bob Cat
> Course1
> Course1
> Course2
> Course2
> Or you might have slight variations on the named user so the duplicate courses appear as if under two different people, like this:
> Bob Cat
> Course1
> Course2
> Dr. Bob Cat
> Course1
> Course2
> Again, my apologies for the inconvenience.
> Thanks,
> Michelle
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Donaldson, Michelle
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 1:20 PM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Unfortunately, it does not appear that we are going to be able to have a resolution to the duplicated users in a timely manner.  As such, we are rerunning the fall data load, with the courses once again anonymous, and we will release the system to you as soon as that process finishes.  I apologize for the inconvenience of having the duplicated users remain in the system, but we felt it was more important to allow you access to your fall semester courses today than to have the duplicated users cleaned up.
> It appears that the only currently available fix for the duplicated users is to manually delete those users one at a time.  And as you might imagine, that is a rather time consuming task.  I don’t believe I would be able to have that completed this week.  If the vendor is not able to configure an automated fix, we will likely roll the cleanup of these duplicated users into our larger plan to clean up the existing data within Class Climate.
> I’ve worked with several folks in the last 24 hours to make sure that having the duplicated users would not impact your ability to deploy your surveys, and I am assured that as the courses are only appearing once under the fall term that it should cause no issues for you.  If you do run into any issues, please let us know.
> Again, I apologize for the inconvenience and I thank you for your patience.
> Thanks,
> Michelle
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Donaldson, Michelle
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 10:14 AM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> We ran the repair recommended by the vendor and it has removed the non-anonymous courses.  It, however, did not remove the duplicated users.  And when we attempted to reload the fall courses in some cases it even triplicated the users.  We are currently working with the vendor to determine if there is a fix for the duplicated/triplicated users.  I know that many of you have reached out to me directly about the urgent need to be able to deliver your surveys today.  I am doing everything I can to make that possible.  I will update you again in about 2 hours after we have had a chance to work with the vendor on this a little more.
> Thanks,
> Michelle
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Donaldson, Michelle
> Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 12:09 PM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> I’ve just gotten off of the phone with the vendor.  The problem has been identified as a bug in version 8 of the class climate software.  The reason that the courses and users duplicated is that the bug loads everything as non-anonymous.  As a result, I am deleting all of the non-anonymous courses.  We will then apply a patch to fix the bug.  When the patch is complete we will re-load the courses in the system.  If all goes well, we expect this to be completed by the close of business today.
> It appears that a number of you have started building your surveys for these courses, I apologize, but in order to fix the duplicate and anonymity issue I will need for you to redeploy those surveys once our work is complete.
> There are 20 courses that are listed as having student responses to their surveys.  I will be downloading a copy of the responses before those courses are deleted, and will be reaching out to the subunit admins with the data.
> Thanks,
> Michelle
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Donaldson, Michelle
> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 3:22 PM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Unfortunately, we do not yet have a resolution for this issue.  We are still working with the vendor and will provide an update as soon as additional information becomes available.
> Thanks,
> Michelle
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Donaldson, Michelle
> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 2:17 PM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> I wanted to provide an update.  The issue with the duplicate instructors seems to be impacting the entirety of today’s data feed.  We have escalated to the vendor for assistance.  I would recommend holding off on sending out any surveys until we have the duplicates resolved.  I will update you as soon I have an additional information to share.
> Thanks,
> Michelle
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Donaldson, Michelle
> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 12:05 PM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Good Afternoon,
> Carolyn, thank you for bringing this to our attention.  I have escalated the issue and will follow up with you as soon as I have additional information.  At first glance it appears that the data load today somehow is not able to see the existing faculty users, so when it cannot find them it is creating them again.
> Sherry,  the data load is in progress, but has not yet completed.
> Thanks,
> Michelle
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Gillogly, Sherry
> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 11:58 AM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Have the fall classes been loaded?  I am afraid to look the thing is so squirrely.
> S
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> On Behalf Of Khurshid, Carolyn
> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 11:31 AM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> oh, wow, my faculty have all duplicated!  this is weird…
> <image001.png>
> From: Classclimate-users <classclimate-u <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>sers-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>> on behalf of "Donaldson, Michelle" <donaldso at ohio.edu <mailto:donaldso at ohio.edu>>
> Reply-To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Date: Friday, November 15, 2019 9:51 AM
> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool <classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>>
> Subject: [Classclimate-users] Updates
> Good Morning,
> As you are preparing your evaluations for the end of term, I would like to pass along a recommendation from the vendor, for those of you who are using the paper forms.  The vendor is recommending that the paper forms be printed with the black and white setting on your printer, and if your printer does not have a black and white setting, gray scale would be the second choice.
> Also, as many of you have asked me individually, I wanted to share with the group the timing of the course loads into Class Climate.  Data loads between PeopleSoft (Student Information System) and Class Climate happen weekly on Mondays (or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday).  The data feed is a manual process so it can occur at any time on Mondays, but is typically processed in the afternoons.  Courses appear within that data set when the PeopleSoft end date of the course is within 28 days.  So that means that the majority of the Fall courses will load into Class Climate with this coming Monday’s (November 18th) data load.
> Thanks,
> Michelle Donaldson
> Learning Systems Analyst III
> Ohio University Office of Information Technology
> <image001.png><cc error.tiff>_______________________________________________
> Classclimate-users mailing list
> Classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu <mailto:Classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu>
> http://listserv.ohio.edu/mailman/listinfo/classclimate-users <http://listserv.ohio.edu/mailman/listinfo/classclimate-users>

                              Dr. Shawn Ostermann  - Ohio University
Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies in the Russ College
	 153 Stocker Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio  45701-2979
    ostermann at ohio.edu -- FAX: (740)593-0659 -- Voice: (740)593-1482

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