[Classclimate-users] Summer II & Full Summer Courses Available in Class Climate

Gadbau-Myers, Megan gadbau-m at ohio.edu
Tue Aug 6 13:50:09 EDT 2019

Class Climate Users,

The summer session II courses were loaded to Class Climate yesterday evening.  If you haven’t already started generating surveys and scheduling distributions, you may begin at your convenience, but please remember to confirm the successful deployment of your surveys.  This confirmation is vital to catching distribution errors while there is still time to correct the problem and collect responses, ensuring that each faculty member receives the feedback they need.

To confirm successful survey deployments:

  *   Log into Class Climate after you expect the surveys’ first scheduled task to be completed and before the second task (reminder emails) initiates.
  *   The simplest and fastest way to check the status of many surveys from one screen is with the Administrative Dashboard of Scheduled Tasks, which is found in the Central Evaluation menu on the Subunits page.
     *   Once you filter for the surveys in the relevant evaluation period, scan down the “Status” column looking for any value other than “Executed” (i.e. completed) or “Open” (i.e. scheduled and waiting).
  *   If you find a status that reads “Incomplete/Incorrect” (with white “i” on blue circle), please report the instance to OIT so that we may assist with identifying and correcting the underlying cause of the error.

You may reach out to the OIT Service Desk at (740)593-1222 or servicedesk at ohio.edu<mailto:servicedesk at ohio.edu> with the subunit, professor name, and course ID (e.g. PSY1000104_2197_2nd Summer).  You may also email the required information to the Class Climate administrator’s mailbox at classclimate at ohio.edu<mailto:classclimate at ohio.edu>.


IT Service Desk
E: servicedesk at ohio.edu  P: 740 593 1222  W: ohio.edu/oit


Megan Myers
Applications Support Analyst
Office of Information Technology,
Ohio University
gadbau-m at ohio.edu<mailto:gadbau-m at ohio.edu>
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