[Classclimate-users] Did switching to online evals affect average ratings?

Gadbau-Myers, Megan gadbau-m at ohio.edu
Fri Jul 19 12:18:02 EDT 2013

Good Afternoon Class Climate Users,

I recently received a few inquiries from prospective Class Climate users regarding how the switch from paper evaluations to online evaluations has affected instructors' overall results.  Some instructors are concerned that their ratings will be negatively impacted by the change.  OIT hasn't collected this information officially, so we wanted to put the question to the current online users to see what your experiences have been.  Has anyone noticed a change?  Was it a negative difference, or a positive difference?  Has the effect repeated each term, or reversed, or has it evened out with the continued use of the online procedure?

Thanks for sharing your observations,



Megan Myers
IT Support Specialist
Emerging Technologies Services,
Customer Support Services
Office of Information Technology,
Ohio University
gadbau- at ohio.edu<mailto:gadbau- at ohio.edu>


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