[Classclimate-users] Notes from user group meeting Thursday

Grenert, Joseph grenert at ohio.edu
Fri May 24 11:12:46 EDT 2013

Class Climate users,
Below is the info I captured from our meeting to send along to the folks in OIT and Registrar. Let me know if I'm in error on anything.


Notes for Class Climate user meeting 5.23.13

1.  How should the PeopleSoft-Class Climate data be configured to handle multiple instructors?

 *   The consensus of the user group was that Peoplesoft's "Primary Instructor" flag would be the best way to identify the instructor(s) who should be evaluated for a course. So if a course has multiple instructors, each would be identified in Peoplesoft as a primary instructor when the course data is entered. And the XML file transfer from Peoplesoft to Class Climate should be configured to ensure that a Class Climate course entry is set up for each of those three instructors. Any instructors marked with Peoplesoft "Secondary Instructor" or "T/A" flags SHOULD NOT transfer into Class Climate.
 *   While the user group agreed that this approach would be the most beneficial for them, concerns were raised about whether identifying a student teaching assistant, for example, as a "Primary Instructor" in Peoplesoft might skew data on teaching loads or credit hours that departments such as Institution Research use.

 1.  When should course data be transferred from Peoplesoft to Class Climate?

 *   The consensus of the user group was that, for a standard 15-week semester, course data should be transferred 4 (four) weeks before the course ending date. This would strike the best balance between allowing enough time for survey setups vs. ensuring the most reliable course enrollment data. While this solution isn't the best for units that deal with sub-semester courses, they (Lisa Dael and Jody Grenert) were willing to go along with the four-week standard if need be.
 *   As an alternative, the group asked that Bob Bulow weight in on whether it would be possible to have two different standards for transferring course data. For a full-semester course (whether Fall, Spring or Full Summer), could data be transferred 4 weeks before the course ending date; while for any course shorter than a full semester (whether 5-week or 7-week or Summer I or Summer II) could the data be transferred closer to the course ending date -- perhaps 2 weeks beforehand? If this is possible, this approach would seem to be best for everyone.

 1.  When should the Class Climate upgrade from 5.0 to 5.1 be take place?
*        The group offered these two possible windows as the best times for getting this done: Between now and June 10; or July 12-26. These two windows would cause the least amount of disruption for users while ensuring that any "bugs" get worked out during the less busy summer sessions.

 1.  How do we establish a "functional leader" for Class Climate to address issues for the long term?

 *   The user group agreed that Class Climate's "big picture" issues need to be resolved by designating an overall Class Climate administrator who coordinates system upgrades, modifications, training and troubleshooting. To start a discussion on this, Tom Scanlon agreed to set up a meeting with the deans of Arts and Sciences and Health Sciences and Professions to discuss next steps.


Jody Grenert
Communication Director
Ohio University College of Health Sciences and Professions
W361 Grover Center
Athens, OH 45701
grenert at ohio.edu

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