[Classclimate-users] Class Climate

Carolyn Khurshid khurshid at ohio.edu
Fri Oct 12 09:47:31 EDT 2012

My POV having run our online evals via College of Engineering for many years now...
By the way, I don't think I could ever thank Engineering enough for being such good neighbors - it made our lives SO much easier!

In our/my experience in Chemistry and Biochemistry, we may have fewer returns via the e-evals BUT the responses tend to be lengthier and more thoughtful.  In my experience as a student here the paper evals were a rushed process, with little time for me to write much that was meaningful, even when I'd put some thought into the evaluation beforehand.  And I observed the same thing in our department...faculty just don't have time to give up in class.  And, paper evals are SUCH a large amount of work and waste and time and money...and we are all short-staffed.

Our students also like the fact that their handwriting does not give them away - online evals are truly anonymous in that respect.

Some of our faculty have discussed giving bonus points to students who take the time to fill out the online evaluations.  For us, I think that would be a relatively simple option - announce in class that a few bonus points go to those who fill out the evals and then after the process closes, run a report and add the points.  Of course, not everyone believes in "bonus points".

I am looking forward to using the new system this fall!

Carolyn Khurshid
Dept. Administrator
Chemistry and Biochemistry
134 Clippinger Labs
Ohio University
phone:  740.593.9882 
fax:  740.593.0148

On Oct 12, 2012, at 9:08 AM, McCarthy, Brian wrote:

> We discussed this option in CAS last year. It seems like a good idea prima facie. But, in the end will probably result in some huge problems with hundreds of "I" grades, and this has other other ramifications for the colleges (not to mention all of the effort in changing grades).
> Another way to look at this is as a statistician. We are not necessarily trying to do a census (count everyone) but rather a sample (subset). In theory, if the sample is random, the measures of central tendency and variance should be the same. What we don't know is whether or not the sample is random. It could be that only disgruntled students respond (resulting in a biased sample). But, even if that is the case, all classes will be biased in the same way, so the playing field is still level. 
> For some reason, low response rate doesn't bother me too much. The important issue in my mind is that everyone in a class is provided with an equal opportunity to respond and have their opinion heard.
> Brian
> Brian C. McCarthy, Ph.D.
> Professor of Forest Ecology & Chair
> Dept. Env. & Plant Biology
> 416 Porter Hall
> Ohio University
> Athens, OH  45701-2979  USA
> T: 740-593-1615
> F: 740-593-1130
> M: 740-707-9017
> E: mccarthy at ohio.edu
> Skype: BCMcCarthyOHIO
> W: http://www.plantbio.ohiou.edu/index.php/directory/faculty_page/brian_mccarthy/
> Motto: ATGATT 
> On Oct 12, 2012, at 8:33 AM, Fiocchi, Barbara wrote:
>> Tom,
>> Jody Lamb (Assoc. Dean) is in charge of College of Fine Arts evaluations.  Last spring the COFA directors voted for paper evaluations based on the rate of return.
>> Can the evaluation response (on line) be tied to whether a student gets their grade?  So that a grade won’t be released until a student finishes an evaluation?  This was one question about bolstering return rates.
>> Barbara Fiocchi
>> School of Theater
>> 740-593-4818
>> From: classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu [mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu] On Behalf Of McAdoo, Debra
>> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 4:15 PM
>> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool
>> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Class Climate
>> We (Dance) and Theater are planning on using paper forms.
>> Debbie
>> From: classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu [mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu] On Behalf Of Scanlan, Thomas
>> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 10:45 AM
>> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool
>> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Class Climate
>> Debbie,
>> Can you let me know which departments are planning on using paper?  we are trying to discourage this.
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
>> Thomas Scanlan, Ph. D.
>> Associate Professor of English
>> Associate Dean
>> College of Arts and Sciences
>> 200 Wilson Hall
>> Ohio University
>> Athens, OH 45701
>> 740-593-2848
>> On Oct 10, 2012, at 3:57 PM, McAdoo, Debra wrote:
>> I’ve had some conversation with staff from bio sciences, they are considering paper forms.
>> Debbie
>> From: classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu [mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu] On Behalf Of McClain, Kimberly
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 3:40 PM
>> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool
>> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Class Climate
>> Not yet.
>> Kim
>> Kim McClain
>> Ohio University
>> Office of Information Technology
>> Technology Depot
>> Athens, OH  45701
>> mcclaink at ohio.edu
>> 740-593-1046
>> <image001.jpg>
>> From: classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu [mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu] On Behalf Of Fiocchi, Barbara
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 2:48 PM
>> To: Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool
>> Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] Class Climate
>> Is there any other department or school choosing to use the paper version of Class Climate instead of online?
>> Barbara Fiocchi
>> School of Theater
>> 740-593-4818
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