[Classclimate-users] Class Climate rules

Ostermann, Shawn osterman at ohio.edu
Fri Jun 15 14:02:28 EDT 2012

Just FYI, the problem is a little more subtle than might be immediately apparent.  It's not unusual for a dual-level class to have only a single either undergrad or grad student in it.  In that case, it's usually not obvious to the student that she's the only one, but it would be VERY clear to the instructor when they received survey results from a 1-person class (because each call number is treated as a separate class for the survey).  Then when you throw in cross-listed classes, I think it's very important that we be careful.

From what I've seen so far, sounds like a minimum or 4 or 5 might work for everybody.    Let's let people weigh in for another few days and unless there's some upwelling of resistance, we'll have OIT set a minimum and let everybody know what it is.


On Jun 15, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Grenert, Joseph wrote:

> CHSP has been requiring a minimum of 5 students per class in order to evaluate it. But we’d be willing to go with COE’s minimum of 4, if that would help reach a consensus.
> ________________________________
> Jody Grenert
> Communication Director
> College of Health Sciences and Professions
> Ohio University
> W361 Grover Center
> Athens, OH 45701
> 740.593.1433 (office)
> 740.593.0285 (fax)
> ________________________________
> From: classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu [mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu] On Behalf Of Ostermann, Shawn
> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2012 1:21 PM
> To: ClassClimate Users
> Subject: [Classclimate-users] Fwd: Class Climate rules
> Classclimate users,
> In reference to Jay's note below, I'd like to know what other people think.  One unique problem with electronic surveys is that the smaller the sample set, the greater the risk that the results will not be very anonymous.  Either because there are only 2 or 3 people in the class total or only one or 2 people will fill it out and the instructor will know who they were from reminding people in class, etc.  Because of that, our college has always omitted tiny classes.  Right now, our cutoff is a minimum of 4 students, below that we don't do the survey.
> What do other people think?  Could we come to an agreement on a minimum and have OIT take care of it for us all?  The alternative is that each college/department would have to remove the small classes from the data load by hand.
> Replies back to the list, please...
> Shawn
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Beam, Jay" <beam at ohio.edu>
> Subject: Class Climate rules
> Date: June 15, 2012 11:40:21 AM EDT
> To: "Ostermann, Shawn" <osterman at ohio.edu>
> Shawn,
> We met yesterday regarding class climate loads.  One of the issues we discussed was brought to our attention by Jill Bateman.  She indicated that the College of Engineering does not want classes with less than four students to be loaded.  While we can do that, we have to do it campus wide.  Therefore, I am asking if you could get agreement on this.  Whatever the minimum enrollment number is, it will be for everybody, so if everybody agrees on it we will put it in.
> Jay
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                               Dr. Shawn Ostermann  - Ohio University
> Associate Dean for Research, Graduate Studies, and Planning in the Russ College
>                  153 Stocker Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio  45701-2979
>     ostermann at ohio.edu -- FAX: (740)593-0659 -- Voice: (740)593-1482
> _______________________________________________
> Classclimate-users mailing list
> Classclimate-users at listserv.ohio.edu
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                              Dr. Shawn Ostermann  - Ohio University
Associate Dean for Research, Graduate Studies, and Planning in the Russ College
	 153 Stocker Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio  45701-2979
    ostermann at ohio.edu -- FAX: (740)593-0659 -- Voice: (740)593-1482

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