[Classclimate-users] summary of yesterday's meeting

Grenert, Joseph grenert at ohio.edu
Fri Feb 3 15:44:51 EST 2012

Jay, Shawn:

Not that anybody asked for my two cents regarding multiple-instructor courses, but my preference here would be to load the names of BOTH instructors for multiple-instructor courses. Class Climate allows for this contingency in their upload file, and our college definitely likes to have students evaluate these instructors separately when possible.



Jody Grenert
Communication Director
College of Health Sciences and Professions
Ohio University
W361 Grover Center
Athens, OH 45701
740.593.1433 (office)
740.593.0285 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu [mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu] On Behalf Of Beam, Jay
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 3:34 PM
To: 'Users of the Scantron ClassClimate survey tool'
Subject: Re: [Classclimate-users] summary of yesterday's meeting


One more question.  Are classes with mulitple instructors to be loaded with just the primary instructor or multiple?

-----Original Message-----
From: classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu [mailto:classclimate-users-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu] On Behalf Of Ostermann, Shawn
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 3:23 PM
To: ClassClimate Users
Subject: [Classclimate-users] summary of yesterday's meeting

Welcome to the "ClassClimate Users" mailing list.  This contains all of the folks who have expressed some sort of interest in the ClassClimate software, those at the meeting, and a few other folks who wanted to stay in the loop.  If you want to be removed, please just let me know.

Let's please use this list for any questions and communication about the software so that we can all gain from each others experiences and questions...


Most of us met yesterday afternoon and had a very productive meeting.  Here's what we learned:

Our college found the software very useful and will continue to use it for class evaluations and soon for chair evaluations and advisor evaluations Jody Grenert tells us that all of HSP will be using the software to deliver a college-wide survey across their college Several departments within Arts and Sciences are planning to use the software in the future The college of Education is interested in using it in the future, but things don't seem to be definite Fine Arts is planning on using it in some of their departments at some point in the future

Much of the old infrastructure for "bubble sheets" in the testing center is being changed.  That's really a separate issue, but for people who conducted their class evaluations using those bubble sheets, many changes will be required.

It appears that the new scanner that the testing office is buying would ALSO be able to read the printed sheets that ClassClimate creates (for departments that want to use the software, but prefer to administer the surveys during class on paper).  This is good news.

Jay Beam told us that their plan is to just "load all of the classes and students" into the system every quarter.   Doing that in the fall was a major time commitment, so having that done automatically eliminates the only remaining ongoing busy work required to do class evaluations using the software.  Note that this DOESN"T mean that everybody needs to use it and does NOT mean that it will be automatic.  It just means that if you decide to use it for your classes, you won't have to enter any class or student information because it will automatically be in there.  This is great news.

There was an open question of whether students who had dropped a class should be included in the evaluations (and automatically loaded).  Everybody seemed to agree that they should NOT be loaded into the system automatically.

There seemed to be enough interest in the software that OIT is going to explore how much funding would be required to purchase a university-wide license instead.    I assume that we'll hear more from OIT as that progresses.

OIT is going to help coordinate another training session on setting up surveys.  More on that soon...

There don't seem to be any barriers that would keep any of the colleges from using the software for winter quarter class evaluations as long as there is somebody who can commit the time to the training and a little configuration for setting up their own surveys.


                              Dr. Shawn Ostermann  - Ohio University Associate Dean for Research, Graduate Studies, and Planning in the Russ College
	 153 Stocker Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio  45701-2979
    ostermann at ohio.edu -- FAX: (740)593-0659 -- Voice: (740)593-1482

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