[Birdarenaemployees] Winter Quarter Schedule

Oberlin, Emily eo348106 at ohio.edu
Sun Jan 8 19:00:19 EST 2012

I have attached the Winter Quarter Schedule. There are tabs at the bottom of the excel sheet that you will need to click on in order to see all of the areas and times that you will be working. Please let me know if you need further explanation on how to read the schedule. The schedule will also be on Blackboard. If you can not access Blackboard let me know.

There are still a few spots open on the schedule (they are highlighted), let me know if you are interested in filling any of them.

This schedule starts Monday January 9th and will go through the end of Finals week.

Please come into the office between 8:30 am-5:00 pm Monday or Tuesday to sign off on your shifts or pick up the open ones.

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