[Biking-L] (no subject)

Fahey, Patrick pf185005 at ohio.edu
Sun Mar 14 15:50:40 EDT 2010

That's a really good point about the liability.
From: Katsu Tanda [kaptainkatsu at gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 2:41 PM
To: Fahey, Patrick
Cc: Bartone, Stephen; biking-l at listserv.ohio.edu
Subject: Re: [Biking-L] (no subject)

Mtb club:

Your best bet for a race is a collegiate event in the fall. 2010 OMBC and WVMBA schedules are already set so it would be hard to add an event in the spring/summer.

Whatever you do, do not run an event informally without insurance. Insurance is very important, especially in an inherently dangerous sport like mountain biking. One bad (or not so bad) crash and you could be looking at a lawsuit and looking at owing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Katsu Tanda

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:20 PM, "Fahey, Patrick" <pf185005 at ohio.edu<mailto:pf185005 at ohio.edu>> wrote:

Stephen, and Club,

We should definitely look into the race - I always wanted to give it a try but people say it's hard. Let's just go for it, even if it's just a little informal thing. Don't bother trying to make it an official OMBC or WVMBA race. It's probably way to late for this season.

Yea, recruitment is something that always starts off good with the involvement fair then tapers way off. I usually have a stack of paper slips advertising the club that I put in the spokes of mountain bikes I see around town. We should all start doing this to get a better blanket of them on campus. I keep meaning to post flyers in dorms, too, but I'll need to talk to the Res Life people to get permission. Then there is the chalk on the sidewalk ads. I hear they don't like this, but really, it's only chalk - they can deal with it.

Finals week can suck, so we will not have a regular meeting. However, I will be available on Tuesday if anyone wants to do a short meeting about this stuff. E-mail  me at pf185005 at ohio.edu<mailto:pf185005 at ohio.edu> or call me at 330.612.0644.


From: biking-l-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu<mailto:biking-l-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu> [biking-l-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu<mailto:biking-l-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu>] on behalf of Bartone, Stephen [sb591908 at ohio.edu<mailto:sb591908 at ohio.edu>]
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 12:48 PM
To: <mailto:biking-l at listserv.ohio.edu> biking-l at listserv.ohio.edu<mailto:biking-l at listserv.ohio.edu>
Subject: [Biking-L] (no subject)

That's good to hear about the cleaned trails.  I wish I could have made it but I just had too much to do for finals.  I really like the idea of putting on a race in the fall or maybe even this spring.  We should definitely look into this.  Also, if we do decide to stay with club sports we should begin looking for new members; the sooner we do this, the more we will most likely get.  I often hear that people don't even know there is a MTB club.  I think just posting flyers around campus would be a good start to try to attract people.  Just some things to think about to bring to our next meeting.

Stephen M. Bartone
Ohio University
Mechanical Engineering undergrad.
cell: (740)-591-1066
<mailto:sb591908 at ohio.edu>sb591908 at ohio.edu<mailto:sb591908 at ohio.edu>

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