[Biking-L] Saturday Trip to Bob Evans Farm

Fahey, Patrick pf185005 at ohio.edu
Thu Sep 10 17:11:04 EDT 2009


I just heard back from Mac about the Bob Evans Farm ride we were planning on for this weekend.  It sounds like the trails will be decently marked by then, and we should be clear to ride them.  I think we should meet Saturday morning in the Morton Hall parking lot at 10:30am and file into cars there.  If you plan to attend, please send a message to me (Pat) by Friday afternoon and please say whether or not you will have a car and how many people and bikes it may hold.  I would say we will probably return late afternoon.

Remember, you will need your bike, helmet, emergency card and assumption of risk forms, water, and food would be a good idea.  Remember to also tell me whether or not you are coming and if you can take people and bikes.

(I will be sending another reminder out in case there are still some pending listserv subscriptions.)

Any questions or comments welcome!


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