[ASU] Exciting news!

African Student Union at OU asu.ohio at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 13:13:44 EDT 2014

Dear Friends,

Today I'm elated and so pleased to announce that we have so far been able
to raise $417 for the Ebola Fund!

This is no small feat, but indeed one to be celebrated, for it is as a
result of everyone's hard work that we have reached this point. Thank you

Current updates on Ebola insinuate that Ebola is winning. We cannot seat
back and let Ebola ravage the lives of fellow Africans back home. We may be
limited in our capacity, but we shall do what we can to overcome.

I quickly remember the words of Margaret Mead:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has".

I believe in us.

The Ebola Panel today is at Bentley Room 124, @ 4pm.
There will be no meeting today.

In the spirit of African Unity,

Tolu. A.

African Student Union
Ohio University
asu.ohio at gmail.com
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