[ASU] Executive Positions

AYUBA SEIDU as490208 at ohio.edu
Fri Mar 26 10:50:47 EDT 2010

Hello Good People,

Nominations for executive positions within ASU are now opened. Interested
candidates are expected to meet the following set of criteria; 

(1)needs to be nominated and seconded by a paid up member.
(2)must have paid his/her dues for fall and winter quarters for 2009/2010
academic year by the close of nominations.
(3) Attended at least one GB meeting for winter quarter
(4) Participated in at least one ASU program for winter quarter.

The available positions are
General Secretary
Publicity Secretary
Social event Secretary 

Nominations closes by midnight of 28th March, 2010.

We entreat members who will like to nominate others to contact them to make sure
they meet the above criteria and are interested in the position. Also make sure
you include your name in the mail. Names of nominees can be sent on the
listserve or to as490208 at ohio.edu. Political activities are now allowed and
ceases by the close of nominations.

Dates and times of the debate and elections will be announced later. Thanks.


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