[ASU] Rally for Haiti

bt276609 at ohio.edu bt276609 at ohio.edu
Tue Jan 26 18:34:34 EST 2010

Just another reminder that though the rally has already taken place (and great 
job to all who participated, we raised a significant amount and should be 
proud of all our efforts), the table at Baker Center is still going on through 
the end of the week and voluntaires are still needed. So those of you that are 
available, please voluntaire your time for a cause that we should all be 
taking part in. 

The following are the time slots for the table for the rest of the week. 
Weds 2 - 4:30pm
Thurs 9:30 - noon, 3 - 4:30pm
Fri 9:30 - noon, 2 - 4:30pm

If you are available to voluntaire in the morning or afternoon and are the 
first one to arrive at the table on the first floor, the materials for it can 
be found in the ISFS office on the third floor in the administrative block by 
Ed's desk. This is also where materials will be returned to at the end of the 
day as well as if there is a gap between morning and afternoon. Money will be 
picked up by myself, Acacia, or Kelsey at the end of each day for a nightly 
deposit since it is ASA's account that is being used to deposit the money.

If you are able to voluntaire please contact Ifoda Abdurazakova (UNICEF) at 
740-274-1720 or ia176908 at ohio.edu

As always, feel free to contact me for more information, or if you can't get 
ahold of Ifoda. 


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