[ASU] CrossOver performances

Titus Gwemende tg843808 at ohio.edu
Tue Sep 15 11:05:27 EDT 2009

Dear colleagues

Many thanks to those who made it to the first ASU GB meeting on Saturday at
Baker 231.Just to let you know that preparations for the Crossover are going
well.For those who wish to perfom,please contact any of the leaders so that we
can include you on the programme.Remember,it could be a song,dance,poem or
anything creative,educative and entertaining about a certain part of Africa.All
perfomances should not exceed 7 minutes.

We still need more people to prepare dishes.There are so many different kinds of
foods on the continent and as such, we want as much variety as possible.Make
sure if you don't cook something from your country,you at least perform
something from your country.Take this opportuntiy to promote the uniquenes of
the country you come from.

Remember to buy tickets as well.This time,you use your ticket to get food.

Looking forward to seeing you all



Titus M. Gwemende
Graduate Assistant
Department of Communication and Development
Ohio University

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