<div dir="ltr"><h5 class=""><span class=""><span class="">Hello everyone,<br> <br>
Sorry to keep bothering you guys about this, but if anyone has some
free time this weekend please consider helping out at the herb garden!
The Dairy Barn is always a great place to volunteer at and it's a great
excuse to get out in the nice weather. <br> <br> If however we don't
have anyone sign up I need to cancel the event and let the Herb Guild
know ahead of time (Thursday at the latest). I really don't want to have
to do that, but unlike yesterday I cannot move around or cancel other
plans in order to be there myself as I won't be in Athens for most of
the weekend. The ladies at the Herb Guild have always been very
appreciative of the help we have given them in the past and you will
have my thanks if I'm not forced to cancel on them.<br> <br> In other news - I hope you are all enjoying your summer! hopefully I will see you guys around town sometime. <br> <br> Cheers,<br> <br> Robert <br> <br> PS: If anyone is still interested in helping out with the cats at Petsmart on Friday mornings I have 2 spots open on the 31st.</span></span></h5>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><b><div><b>Vice Presidents of Service</b></div>Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity</b><div><b> <br>Robert Burke Allison Barwacz<br>937.239.3104 440.212.8108<br></b></div>
<div><br><a href="http://www.apoonline.org/deltagamma" target="_blank">www.apoonline.org/deltagamma</a><br></div><div><br></div><div>Service map: <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=101225801473282373631.000484a3f599db8aeff2b&z=12" target="_blank">http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=101225801473282373631.000484a3f599db8aeff2b&z=12</a></div>