Good day!<br><br>Just a reminder chapter is tonight at 9 in Morton 201. Theme is red, white and blue!!!! Bring change for family change wars!!!<br><br>Here is an agenda of chapter: <br><br>1. Welcome<br>2. President<br> - Office hours<br>
- Round table<br>3. Ombudsman<br> - Question of the week <br>4. Relay<br> - Why I relay!!!! Beth Thompson and Sarah Vance<br> - 26 days left!!!!<br> - T-shirts<br> - Car Smash<br> - moms weekend<br>5. Service<br>
- new service<br>6. GKTW<br>7. Rush shirts<br>8. Interchapter relations<br> - OSU founders day<br>9. membership<br> - Picnic<br> - Family heads<br>10. j-board<br> - Constitutions stuffzzz<br>11. Youth Service<br>
12. Fellowship<br> - Easter egg hunt/ soccer<br> -Color wars<br>13. PR<br>14. Historian <br>15. Awards<br> - What are they <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>In LFS,<br>Jonathan Zakrajsek <br>Alpha Phi Omega, Delta Gamma<br>