Hey guys!<br> There are <b>9</b> spots left for ABH for this quarter. Email us to grab one of these spots. For those of you who couldn't attend chapter- here is what this project is all about.<br> Appalachian Behavioral Health is an in-patient hospital for people dealing with mental diseases. (No, this is not Shutter Island, Athens Edition.) <br>
<br>What the ABH is looking for us to do is hang out with patients in their living units to give them a sense of normalcy once a week. Wednesdays <b>3:30-5:30</b>. (you will be doing it all quarter) Email us by TOMORROW EVENING if you would like to do this quarterly project so we can let the ABH know how many people will be coming. <br>
<br><b>Additionally, </b>y<b>ou can come the volunteer orientation if you are not sure if you want to do it or not. </b>We understand that many people do not fully understand that population of people, partially due to the stigmas that surround them (and movies like Shutter Island.). Its super cool and fun so come check it out!!<br>
<br>for the love of service,<br> Gaby & Kris<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Gaby Swisher<br>207.837.0546<br><br>Kris Bader<br>440.476.2005<br><br>Alpha Phi Omega Service Chairs<br><br><a href="http://www.apoonline.org/deltagamma/">www.apoonline.org/deltagamma/</a><br>