Hello Everyone!<br><br>Just a reminder that there will be CHAPTER in Baker after Activation and pizza on Sunday. Activation shouldn't take the whole two hours so we will probably be done with everything by 5:30ish, but plan on staying until 6 just in case. This will be our first chapter with the new exec board and all of us as brothers - I know all you pledges can't wait to do the secret handshake and write our Greek letters on all your papers!<br>
<br>If you are interested in running for one of the open positions, this is the time to do that (Inter-chapter relations, Service Week). E-mail me if you would like to run for a spot and/or if you have any questions about what the job entails. <br>
<br>Please remember that Activation is a serious (and mandatory) event: arrive on time, be respectful of others and dress appropriately. <br><br>Okay, enough of that! Enjoy this lovely day and play outside if you get a chance. <br>