[Aphio-L] Bake sale!

Relay for Life - Alpha Phi Omega Delta Gamma relay4life.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 13:37:30 EDT 2015


If you are signed up to make bake goods tomorrow: Please bring it to the
top of Baker at 10am. If you can't make that time let us know and we can
try meeting up with you tonight or tomorrow morning.

Everyone else: Stop by tomorrow for awesome treats made by your bros!!
Alpha Phi Omega - Delta Gamma
Relay for Life Co-Chairs

Kristen Hencsei
*kh028811 at ohio.edu <kh028811 at ohio.edu>*

Tracey Engle
*te753310 at ohio.edu <te753310 at ohio.edu>*

Morgan Sommers
*ms482011 at ohio.edu <ms482011 at ohio.edu>*
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