[Aphio-L] Financial Aid

Ombudsmen ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 16:01:04 EST 2015

Hi guys!
Attached is the financial aid form for this semester. If you are approved,
the chapter will cover your dues for this semester. If you are not
approved, you will be put on a payment plan. Please email or give this form
to one of the ombudsmen on or before chapter on *February 1st*. If you are
unable to meet that date, please send us an email and we will work it out!
Also, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! Thanks!

Happy hump day!
-Jack and Krissy

Krissy Blakey
(937) 216-3452

Jack Cummings
(330) 949-3129

Alpha Phi Omega, Ombudsmen
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