[Aphio-L] faculty pageant forms

Faculty Pageant facultypageant.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 21:57:15 EST 2013

Hey guys!

We really need professors for the pageant, so if there's any professors you
know who you think would enjoy it *please give them a form*! I have
attached it to this email so just print it out and have them return the *bottom
portion with their information* to you once completed. You can give us the
forms at chapter or email us to set up a time so we can get it from you.
The pageant is a *mandatory* event this year so you need to have *2 hours *from
it. We will let you know at chapter on Monday how you can get these hours.
Also, we will be ordering the T-shirts next week. They will cost *$10* and
the sign up is on the website on *January 22nd *at *8am. *You can buy a
shirt to count as an *hour* but how it will be counted it still to be
determined. We will remind you about this at chapter but please sign up to
buy one!

Enjoy your first day of classes!

Ciara Strittmather

Rachel Levine

facultypageant.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
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