[Aphio-L] Chapter Minutes :)

APhiO Delta Gamma Secretary secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 19:21:20 EST 2012

Hillel speaker:
Swabbing from Hillel
Volunteer meeting tom at 8pm at Hillel
 -Office hours Monday & Wednesday 3-4 baker 319
 -can make up missed chapter meetings by attending:

   - execs 245 walter
   - or JP office hours

 -Rush will now be Incorporated into Membership which will now be 3 chairs.
 -J-Board will now consist of 2 members (passed)
 -voting for Rachel Levine to be able to run for President while she’s
being Youth Service chair

*President: *(1)

        Sarah Csongei

       Rachel Levine (pending)

*Treasurer: *(1)

Jordin Shannon (pending)

*Membership:* (3)

        Cody Romani

        Maria Pantuso

        Ashley Urbansic

       Natalie Zelich

       Sarah Norman (pending)

*Service:* (2)

        Mackenzie Snyder

       Eric Horton

*J-Board: *(2)

        Hannah Griswold

        Nate Freeman

        Matt Mench

*Fundraising: *(2)

        Kristen Kruki

        Paula Stofcho

*Ombudsman: *(1 girl 1 guy)

        Macy Musick

        Natalie Hannah

       Dom Armielle

*Fellowship:* (2)

       Ashley Mullins

       Notorious VIC aka Victoria Vincent

*Historian: *(1)

        Jenn Branch

*PR: *(1)

        Mary-Kate McHugh

*Secretary: *(1)

*Inter-Chapter Relations *(1)

       Jane McGinnis (pending)

*5k: *(2)

       Colleen Meder

*Awards: *(1)

       Jackie Scott

*Service Week* (2):

            Tori Carras

       Caroline Gardner
 -Green Fever $10 T-shirts (like the black out game but for basketball)
 -Election process

   - Split between two chapters (time permitting):
   - February 19: President, Service, Fellowship, Membership, Treasurer,
   - February 26: All other positions
   - *Nominations can be made up until the day of election
   - Candidate makes speech
   - Chapter asks candidate questions
   - Candidate leaves room for comment period. Email anonymous remarks to us
   - Candidate re-enters room to address comments brought up. All comments
   will be presented anonymously

 -Questions of the week

   - What suggestions/improvements do you have for the election process?

 -Keep in mind:

   - Remember appropriate behavior while wearing our letters!
   - You're representing a lot more than yourself while wearing them and we
   don't want to give ourselves a bad name since we work hard for them!


   - any service pins $5 - contact Erica & Jordan


   - Bad News → OU improv dropped (jerks.)
   - Last day to buy tickets is Tuesday! ‘
   - BUY THEM!

 -LAST DAY to pay for SKYZONE ($6) & TSHIRT ($5 or $8)

   - Last chapter to buy formal tickets!

 -We will be selling them outside chapter till Tuesday

   - Monday :
   - Victoria - Library cafe (Cafe Biblotech) 3:30-7
   - Cody - Front Room 4-5:30
   - Tuesday :
   - Victoria - Baker 2nd floor 6-9 (Text me 6146341115)
   - Cody - Front Room 2-5
   - If you somehow can't make it to any of these times and want to buy a
   ticket please contact Cody or I, and we can try to work something out!

 -Fellowship of the week

   - V Day baking Night/Movie!
   - Fill that empty place in your heart with bakery
   - Bring something to bake/share
   - Where? The Dads of 31N Congress
   - When? Tuesday at 6:30


   - Slice Night Feb 15 6 pm
   - lots of family events online!

 -5k benefit concert

   - When: Thursday, March 1st. 9pm
   - Where: BW3's
   - Cost: $3 donation
   - There will be all kinds of bands and the money goes to ATCO!
   - This counts as a FELLOWSHIP HOUR (not a 5k hour).
   - Sign up on the website!

 -UCM - 18 N. College Street

   - Wed. Feb 15th, 5-7PM
   - Childcare Watch

 -Figure Skating Competition at Bird Arena

   - Need to attend the pre-training on Thurs 2/23 at 7:30
   - Sign up for shifts on Saturday 2/25
   - Various between 7:30AM-2PM

 -ATCO Dinner for Two

   - Sat. Feb 23rd, 4-7PM
   - Help serve and clean up dinner!

 -Blood Drive

   - Thurs. Feb 16th 1-8PM
   - Have to sign up on the facebook wall
   - Make sure to make sign in!!
   - https://www.facebook.com/events/100685540060494/

 -Bone Marrow-

   - Get Swabbed- get an hour! - Wednesday

 -Sibs Bash! at Ping

   - look for more info on the website
   - Sat. Feb 18th
   - 3:30-7PM
   - you get a free t-shirt and food!

 -Faculty Pageant!!!!!!

   - March 7th!


   - Flyering around campus and Athens community.
   - Food donations for day of 5k.
   - Letter writing.
   - Writing thank you notes.
   - Working concessions at basketball games. (if you cannot get 5k hours,
   after the 5k happens)

 -sibs weekend:

   - We will be selling t-shirts for sibs weekend, all the money goes to
   the 5k/ATCO so buy our t-shirts, not College Bookstore shirts!
   - We will be tabling Saturday at Baker and the Courthouse.
   - Selling the t-shirts for $12.00
   - Front of Shirt:   What the parents don't know...
   - Back of Shirt:     ...Won't hurt them  Ohio University Sibs Weekend


   - almost 1,600 box tops!!
   - give them moreeeeee!


   - weeklies:
   - 1. Bake Sale on Tuesday 2/14 <3
   - will need donations for this! Sign up on the website
   - 2. BW3 "Eat Wings Raise Funds" on Wednesday 2/15
   - flyering 11-3
   - event starts at 5--there are still spots open!
   - keep your reciepts!
   - 3. Keychains
   - if you want them, sign up online! Get 2 for your fundraising hour.
   Check your e-mails this week. We'll be having someone from our committee
   sit in the front room when they come in

 -Red Brick servingMonday 2/27

   - Sign up to be a server at Red Brick for a fundraising hour... all of
   your tips will go to APhiO!
   - You can also get an hour by coming to eat... please tip well!


   - bro of week:
   - Maria Pantuso!
   - check out the article on the facebook page


   - Happy birthday to :
   - Jamie Roberts - Monday February 13
   - Jackie Scott - Monday February 13
   - Macy Musick - Thursday February 16
   - Courtney Waite - Thursday February 16
   - Ashley Mullins - Friday February 17


   - risk management committee wed (email to come)
   - Tuesday club volleyball stupid cupid $2 at redbrick
   - letter writing parties after chapter!
   - can still sign up for 5k shirt sizes
   - bare on bricks raised $2,000 & record number of participants!
   - club basketball this week


   - to Andy Schmidt for supporting ATCO bowling

Happy Valentine's Day!
and for those of us who are single   -->
Brianna McTaggart
Secretary/Alpha Phi Omega Coed Service Fraternity/Chapter Delta Gamma
secretary.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com<http://secretary%2Eaphiodeltagamma@gmail.com/740.517.0606>


^Map around campus
*5k:* 5k.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Awards:* awards.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Fellowship:* fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Fundraising:* fundraising.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Historian:* historian.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
interchapter.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com<Interchapterrelations.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com>
*J-Board:* jboard.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Membership:* membership.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Ombudsmen:* ombudsmen.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*President:* president.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Public Relations: *pr.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Relay for Life: *relay4life.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Rush:* rush.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Service:* service.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Treasurer:* treasurer.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
*Youth Service: *youthservice.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
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