[Aphio-L] Family Heads

Fellowship Chairs fellowship.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 23:02:55 EDT 2012

Hey everyone!

Just a little reminder or for those of you who missed chapter, we are in
need of some family heads this quarter! This is what we have...

Beta         Need 2
Epsilon Nicole Yozwiak  Kiley Harkins
Eta         Need 2
Iota Need 2
Kappa Need 2
Lambda Need 2
Mu         Danielle Fultz Katja Slatinsek
Nu         Need 2
Omicron Jennifer Barstow - need 1
Pi         Ashley Angelo- need 1
Rho         Michael Mulig- need 1
Sigma         Need 2
Theta        Jackie Scott- need 1
Zeta         Myranda Owca Allie O'Neill

Families are not required to have 2 if you don't want, but it's a nice way
to get into a leadership role! Also, if we have made a mistake in the above
info, let us know ASAP! Email us if you are interested or if you have any

*Victoria Vincent*
*vv246109 at Ohio.edu
*VP of Fellowship*
*Ashley Mullins*
*am232009 at ohio.edu*
*VP of Fellowship*
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