[Aphio-L] Elections: please read carefully!

APhiODeltaGamma J-Board jboard.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Mon Feb 21 01:08:36 EST 2011

Good morning everyone (yes, it's 1:05 am and we are just now finished with
results).  First off, we'd like to say thank you for taking elections so
seriously tonight.  We know it was long, but it was arguably the most
important chapter of the year.  Thanks again.

Secondly, please read the following lines carefully.  *Some positions have
not been filled due to some candidates not receiving a majority vote*.
had the option of abstaining from voting for any particular candidate(s),
and enough brothers chose to do so that some positions were not filled.*)
Additionally, due to a virtual tie and multiple abstentions in votes for
National Service Week co-chairs, we will vote again next week between Lauren
and Katie for the vacant position.

The other vacant positions will be voted upon the following week (week 10)
to allow losing candidates the opportunity to be nominated for those
positions should they wish to run.

President: *to be voted next week*

Treasurer: *vacant*

Secretary: Brianna McTaggart

J-Board: Sarah Clouse, JD Bales, *(one vacancy)*

Service: Sarah Csongei, *(one vacancy)*

Fellowship: Liza Lieberman, Kelsie Shortridge

Membership: Erica Ratner, Jordin Shannon

Rush: Chelsea Wiley

Fundraising: Sariya Winters, Allison Hartman

Service Week: Dana Zurchin, *(second position to be voted next week, between
Lauren McCullough and Katie Hawkins)*

5K: Monica Ruscher, *(one vacancy)*

Awards: Kelsi Burkhart

Historian: Melissa Pennington

PR: Katie Lathrop

Inter-chapter Relations: Dani Garfield

Ombudsmen: Lowell Berg, Beth Brink

Congratulations to all candidates, and further congratulations to all
winners.  Again, next week we will be voting for President and the vacant
Service Week spot.  Remember, if you ran and tonight and did not win, you
may still run again for any vacant position!

Thank you again for being so patient tonight.  Please be thinking about
further nominations for vacant positions for the upcoming weeks.

Have a great week 8,

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